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  1. S


    Thank you so much! I will try these things!!
  2. S

    Satin with a floppy ear??

    Thank you all so very much for your help! She is just a sweet little pet rabbit I gave to my Nieces, I thought it might be something genetic but was not sure however I will look further into the mite thing to make sure its not that!
  3. S

    Satin with a floppy ear??

    No not at all ear are clean...I felt around the base and the tissue does seem less dense if that make sense or maybe the muscle is not a tense?
  4. S


    Hello I raise Satin rabbits for, show, and pets. At this time we only have a few along with a mini rex buck! I was hoping to join this site for helpful advise as well as to get ideas about providing a more enriched and happier life for farm rabbits...I feel to often non pet rabbits are left...
  5. S

    Satin with a floppy ear??

    I raise Satin rabbits and we have one that is around 3 months old and one of its ears is flopping over...Satins a suppose to have up right ears and none of my other rabbits have this issue! Anyone have some insight??