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  1. W

    Where to put hay for free roam bunny

    Thanks for the reply! I was thinking something like this as it's nice and discreet, with food and water bowls placed outside. It's 50cm width and 100cm length. Would placing hay directly into the litter box be better than using a hay rack?
  2. W

    Where to put hay for free roam bunny

    I'm interested in getting rid of my bunny's cage and letting him free roam. I'm thinking about a hidden litter box setup as a 'home base' - like those HOL storage containers from IKEA customised for bunnies. Would putting hay above his litter box be sufficient or should I put hay in other places...
  3. W

    Dangerous ingredients in rabbit pellets?

    I currently give Harry 1 tablespoon of pets at home adult pellets a day. I watched a youtube video recently, made by a rabbit 'guru' (is that a thing?) who said that soybean (whether it's hulls, whole beans etc) is dangerous in pellets? She also said that they add molasses to pellets to...
  4. W

    Rabbit has tiny poops, help!

    I looked in Harry's litter box this morning and his poops were tiny and very dark - they weren't joined together with hair, they were still separate but very small and dry. His normal droppings are about 3x bigger than these. I give him 1 tablespoon of pellets each day, spring greens and plenty...