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  1. W

    Rabbit has selected bed to go in. Will not go to the bathroom in cage

    Thanks for the advice. Ibought a litter pan and paper litter that is very safe and highlyabsorbent. Within 2 days she was going and now nevermisses. The office is now very clean and the rabbit canroam.
  2. W

    Rabbit has selected bed to go in. Will not go to the bathroom in cage

    How would I litter train. Put a litter box over that same spot?
  3. W

    Rabbit has selected bed to go in. Will not go to the bathroom in cage

    :( I just built a new office in the house and I have my Holland Lop in the office I have always left the cage open and let her roam around and she wouldalways go back to the cage to go. All of a sudden she stoppedand has selected a little cat bed that she always just used fornaps. She won't go...