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  1. C

    Lump! Help!

    Ashy, if the FNA was inconclusive, does that mean they didn’t find any concerning cells or ? With the Guinea pigs, both had cancer and one had a very fast growing kind which luckily hasn’t spread. Can the lump be just a cyst?
  2. C

    Best cranberry tablets for bunnies?

    Thank you, will check out Sherwood tablets.
  3. C

    Lump! Help!

    I have two male Guinea pigs who had cancerous mammary tumors removed over a year ago. Vet care has improved a lot. Hope your bunny’s cytology comes out benign.
  4. C

    Something has injured her nose

    She is lovely! Hope she is all better soon.
  5. C

    Bluebell’s spaying day

    Beautiful bunny! Would make sure when she comes home that she has adequate pain control and that she starts eating and drinking. How is she doing?
  6. C

    Dutchess smelly rear end

    Dutchess is staying very clean and pooping, with the metoproclamide. She is eating wheat grass, kale, and orchard grass. Had her run around a lot and held her, petted her gently. She licked my shirt. Won’t eat offered greens by hand. Vet offered to trim some molars that seem long but may wait...
  7. C

    Lung sounds after eating

    Dutchess has recovered from urine scald and sludge. She is pooping and eating small amounts. When she eats or drinks even a drop of fluid from a syringe, she makes loud ugh sounds similar to lung congestion. Vet has xrayed her and said she is fine. He thinks her teeth may be long and is willing...
  8. C

    GI stasis recovery not peeing

    Cute bunny. When Dutchess has GI stasis, I also give her simethicone and hand feed her greens to get her eating. Hope Boba is all better soon.
  9. C

    Best cranberry tablets for bunnies?

    She has a plain water bowl but wont drink water either from her bowl or her bottle. Am trying to add something to her water so she will drink it.
  10. C

    Best cranberry tablets for bunnies?

    Am trying to get tablets for Dutchess to prevent any more urinary problems. Have read about Oxbox and Sherwood tablets. Am hoping to dissolve them in her bottle and dush to get her to drink more water. There is also cranberry powder available. Does anyone have experience giving these? She likes...
  11. C

    Inactive/Refusing food

    BTW if she is in pain from gas, you can offer simethicone baby liquid.
  12. C

    Inactive/Refusing food

    Not sure what is going on. Our bunny Dutchess will get sick, and the vet will find nothing, then she gets sick again.I feel so dumb when it happens. It sounds like your bunny has good care. Hope she stays well.
  13. C

    Not eating (RIP)

    Am so sorry and send love to those who have lost their buns.
  14. C

    Flemish just had surgery, could really use some advice/opinions

    Lovely bunny. Hope he is all better soon. We had to confine our pigeon in a small cage to let her heal due to a broken wing. She didn’t like it but we gave her lots of attention and she adapted.
  15. C

    Fur loss and discharge left eye

    I dont know much about eyes. But I would also ask to make sure his teeth are ok. Our bunny has eye discharge due to tooth roots. Am wishing your bunny the very best.
  16. C

    Dutchess smelly rear end

    Dropped Dutchess off at the vet. Great but puzzling news. He said the sludge in her bladder was gone, she was peeing fine, and he got a urine sample. He looked at her teeth. The molars were tall but not enough to trim. He does not see anything wrong with her lungs or spine on the X-ray. He did a...
  17. C

    Dutchess smelly rear end

    Am sorry you lost a bunny.
  18. C

    Dutchess smelly rear end

    Started putting neosporin on her scabs in her rear area because they still seem painful. I made sure to get the kind without the pain reliever though because I read it is bad for rabbits. She seems happier afterward but is so upset while I am putting it on.
  19. C

    Dutchess smelly rear end

    Thank you.