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  1. stevesmum


    Yes I have definitely noticed that a good moult will often make some rabbits grouchy. Not all though! But it doesn't make the process more fun, that's for sure.
  2. stevesmum

    I'm obsessed with taking pictures of my rabbit! Show me your bunnies too!

    We just adopted this guy. This will hopefully be our last and successful attempt to get Cali a friend. This guy is a rough looking character but so very sweet.
  3. stevesmum

    Help, surprise litter!

    They're so sweet. Do they make any noises?
  4. stevesmum

    2 years in a pet store.

    Try not to move everything in his cage to the way YOU like it. He may just be busy redecorating and making it his own. I agree with giving him some space to adjust and get used to his new home. If you need any advice on feeding:
  5. stevesmum

    She bites!

    Please try to cut those treats out of her diet asap. They are the equivalent of us eating mcdonalds all the time. They will make her fat and unhealthy. They will also probably cause her digestive issues. She needs Timothy hay, greens and a tiny bit of pellets. Please read more about what to feed...
  6. stevesmum

    What is wrong with my bunny? List of bunny behavior issues!

    Cali makes a soft grunting noise when I am putting her supper in front of her sometimes. She sometimes thumps when I am cooking something that doesn't smell good to her (usually some kind of meat dish). Also I have had a rabbit that whined and thumped when he was frustrated (when I would not let...
  7. stevesmum


  8. stevesmum

    Rabbits & allergies

    That's true I did not consider places where they don't have hay. I take it for granted here I guess!
  9. stevesmum

    Help, surprise litter!

    Aww how precious. I love the ugly/cute stage they're in!
  10. stevesmum

    Rabbits & allergies

    They can also eat meadow hay, botanical hay and oat hay, but hay is the #1 component in their diet and they must have it. It can't be avoided.
  11. stevesmum

    Help, surprise litter!

    I'm reading your thread with great interest and I really hope your babies survive. Please keep posting progress updates with photos! I don't have advice or anything I'm just interested :)
  12. stevesmum

    Head Tilt, will he survive?

    Yeah that sounds just like Cali's recovery process was too. I'm glad he's getting better!
  13. stevesmum

    Question about wood stove pellets

    That's a good idea. I won't have to stock up too much though, where I live it's colder about 8 months of the year! Here in Alberta we have two seasons: winter and construction.
  14. stevesmum

    Cage Upgrade!

    How did she escape? Did she climb out? Smart and cute!
  15. stevesmum

    After spaying, how to protect wound and whether to use litter

    Hi Karen, sounds like they are not too rabbit savvy at that vet! Who told you to fast your rabbit, I bet it was the receptionist right? You were smart not to listen to that one. For now I would say feed wet leafy greens and herbs. Like cilantro, carrot tops, romaine lettuce, a bit of parsley...
  16. stevesmum

    Do you have a pet rabbit?

    Here's Cali
  17. stevesmum

    Do you have a pet rabbit?

    We have one bunny, Cali. She is about 4 years old. We got her from the humane society about 3 years ago. After her partner Steve died this past November we tried twice to re-bond her but so far she seems to prefer to be on her own. She has a cardboard maze in which she hides most of the day. We...
  18. stevesmum

    Toys and beds?

    My bunny likes to destroy these:
  19. stevesmum

    Fostering a 4 month old Lionhead - I need refreshers on young bunnies!!!

    Hmm. The way I look at is, what if you arranged all the furniture in your living room just how you want it, and someone keeps coming back to rearrange it again. Think about leaving some things where she puts them, if it doesn't bother you too much. I had a bunny that would dig and try to throw...