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  1. Lissa

    very sad news

    Update...we found someone local who is going totake Pristine in where she can have full run of the house.I'm so happy and so heartbroken at the same time. At leastwith her being so close I will be able to visit her. The guyhas had bunnies before and he really loves them. I wouldn'ttrust her with...
  2. Lissa

    very sad news

    We are going to have to find a new home forPristine. My new baby is keeping me way too busy and Pristineisnt' getting the love and attention that she deserves.:( This is so heartbreaking. I love her somuch. I just can't stand to see her so neglected. :(
  3. Lissa

    Pregnancy Thread

    Nessa1487 wrote: I'm doing good. Finally starting to get a little used to lackof sleep. what a change in lifestyle!! :)
  4. Lissa

    Oliver Blair is here!

    Thanks everyone. Mommyhood is exhausting, but so great. Can I get some sleep now? LOL :sleep:
  5. Lissa

    Oliver Blair is here!

    Oliver Blair was born Tuesday, October 17, 2006at 11:22 a.m. He was 3 weeks early, 7 lbs 11 oz, 19 incheslong. He hasLOTS of hair and a dimple on his rightcheek just like mommy. He looks a lot like daddythough. I will post pictures when I go back to work part time(in about a month). Me, Jason...
  6. Lissa

    Pregnancy Thread

    I can see them now! What a cutie!
  7. Lissa

    Pregnancy Thread

    For some reason geocities hasn't been working for me for the past week. :( Can't wait to see the pictures though. :)
  8. Lissa

    Pregnancy Thread

    UPDATE: I'm 1 cm dilated and thedoctor told me that if I make it another 3 days I will be fullterm. Woohoo! :elephant:
  9. Lissa

    new baby picture thread

    He's such a handsome little guy!! Look at those big eyes! What color are they?
  10. Lissa

    Pregnancy Thread

    Congratulations Brandy! Can't wait to see pictures of your baby!
  11. Lissa

    Yoga? Pilates? I just joined a new gym in town

    I love yoga and pilates. Yoga is greatfor relaxation and pilates is an excellent ab workout. I planon doing a lot of pilates after baby is born. :)
  12. Lissa

    Pregnancy Thread

    Nessa1487 wrote: You are tiny!!! :shock: Check out this buddah belly! LOL
  13. Lissa


    I have four phobias: Needles Bees Bats Electrocution
  14. Lissa

    Pregnancy Thread

    I'm doing okay. Pretty burned out bypregnancy already. I have 5 weeks left. I'm prettyuncomfortable. My legs are swollen. I get headacheson a daily basis. My back hurts. My feethurt. I'm getting contractions all day long. I'mready for it to be over. LOL
  15. Lissa

    Any Migraine Sufferers?

    jordiwes wrote: :yes:Don't worry. I won't tell. LOL BTW, you would be surprised the changes that your body goes throughwhen pregnant. I have a long history of cluster headaches,depression,psoriasis and other ailments which all completelydisappeared during pregnancy. I remember thinkingand...
  16. Lissa

    Any Migraine Sufferers?

    I had my last cycle of clusters right before Ifound out I was pregnant. Thank GOD! My cyclesusually last about 6 months and then will disappear for 2-3years. I haven't had a cluster in the past 8 months of mypregnancy. I've been lucky. My friend who suffers from migraines got some migraines...
  17. Lissa

    Any Migraine Sufferers?

    Worse. I get clusterheadaches. I have to take beta blockers, imitrex and even hadto carry an oxygen tank around with me to abort them. You'venever experienced pain until you've had a cluster. :(
  18. Lissa

    Fur mats

    We call her lamb-chop now. :D
  19. Lissa

    Pregnancy Thread

    Great pictures!!! He's adorable!!
  20. Lissa

    Fur mats

    She sat very good for the wholehaircut. I think she really wanted those mats out.She looks kind of cute too!