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  1. K

    Grated litter box

    I wish I was handy and could make something like this. I always end up spending money and it doesn't work out.
  2. K

    Grated litter box

    I would do anything to find a litter box like this but triple the size. I'm still stuck on finding the perfect litter solution. I want something that allows the poop to fall through but is big and comfy for bunnys feet. Anyone have any ideas?
  3. K

    Pellets over Hay

    How much does your rabbit weigh? 1 cup a day of pellets is still a lot.
  4. K

    Broken leg?

    How did the x-ray turn out?
  5. K

    Any dog breed you wouldnt own, and which breed would you love to have

    I love dogs... but I like my life a certain way and I am a bit of a dog snob so there are very few I would own. I hate dog smelling houses, hair all over the place, dogs breeds that struggle to breath (like all the brachycephalic dogs). Dogs I would consider owning: Standard poodle Miniature...
  6. K

    What cage should I buy?

    Exercise pens are easier and cheaper. That's what we do here :)
  7. K

    Need some cage advice

    I love your setup @samoth! Rabbitash I think your pen looks good but depending on your buns may need to be taller, especially if you put a box or hidi house that they can jump on, then jump out.
  8. K

    Small alarms

    He needs to eat hay to stay healthy. So I don't know what your food set up/routine for him is. This is the food recommendation for rabbits. Rabbits only need 1/4 cup of pellets a day for every 6lbs. So my rabbit is only 3 lbs so she only gets 1/8 cup. Sometimes...
  9. K

    Kaytee hay

    My buns prefer orchard hay.
  10. K

    Kaytee hay

    Personally the worst hay I ever got was vitakfraft brand. With hay, sometimes I get batches that are better than others. I prefer oxbow, small pet select, and I love kaytees wafer cut Timothy hay. It's the only Timothy hay I will buy (Bc I'm super allergic). I always like to have a variety of...
  11. K

    Why did you choose a rabbit as a pet? What you love?

    Just the sight of rabbits make me happy. I think they are the cutest animal God has created. Then who they are makes me love them even more. I honestly feel like they are magical. These super cute creatures that hop around and eat veggies and grass and they dont hurt a thing yet are constantly...
  12. K

    Rabbit scramble

    So Mississippi is doing the rabbit scramble again. They release rabbits into a closed pen while kids grab at them to catch them. They grab them by their ears, legs, whatever they can get grab. It's incredible sad to see. Please sign the petition below to stop this festival from happening...
  13. K

    Cleaning rabbits ears?

    Do I have to do this? How often do people clean their rabbits ears out? I read that they shouldn't be cleaned with q-tips.
  14. K

    Triple Bonding?

    Has anyone ever had a successfully bonded triple? If so, what were there sexes and how was it done?
  15. K

    Any lists makers to track thier rabbits daily? Couple ?s

    Yea I am always tracking my rabbits eating habits and monitoring her bowel habits. It's seems to be trial and error with each bunny. I've tried everything to see what gets my rabbit to eat the most hay. She hates hay racks. And she always like her hay refilled a couple times a day. (Which is...
  16. K

    Warm weather

    So it's starting to get warm here. It's like 75-78 in my house. My bunny is free roam and she is a lionhead. I keep a fan circulating in the living room which is where is she. I put plates in the fridge to cool them and put them out for her to lay on. She doesn't seem to get this concept. I try...
  17. K


    Thank you that was very helpful!
  18. K


    What's the best harness/leash for my little lionhead? I've see ones with Velcro?
  19. K

    What are these?

    What are these and where can I get them? This is from a Instagram account from Indonesia. Does anyone know where I can get these in the US?
  20. K

    Shelf/ second level

    Edited** Sorry it's a little messy right now. It's just her little corner with her stuff in because she is free range.