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  1. JadeIcing

    Adopting a Senior Dog

    Aww he's cute! Congrats!
  2. JadeIcing

    Schleich Collectors

    Lol it lives! I need to update my list.
  3. JadeIcing

    Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2011

    So yea laptop fan died... Umm yea... Phone is my only link Online.
  4. JadeIcing

    The Happy Bunny Family

    Posted in her thread. :) I have a vid of Gabriel doing that. I'll post when power comes back.
  5. JadeIcing

    bunny got nose torn open

    Looks fine I sent pics when it happened to Ringo. Vet said keep clean. He's never had an issue.
  6. JadeIcing

    Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2011

    I have pictures... I cant wait to write it up. Temp has been dropping to 55 (that I actually dare move to check.). Bunnies as we know handle cold better.
  7. JadeIcing

    Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2011

    Ok so no power since Saturday 3:30pm
  8. JadeIcing

    Rip Aero And Thumper

    *hugs* I have lost multiple pets at once. Horrible feeling. _*hugs*
  9. JadeIcing

    Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2011

    *hugs* Thank you
  10. JadeIcing

    Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2011

    Thank you may take you up on that.
  11. JadeIcing

    Anyone else addicted to pets?

    8 rabbits (Not even fostering at this point) 1 dog, 4 leopard geckos, 1 viper gecko, 1 african fat tailed gecko, and a blue tongue skink! I am done, no more!
  12. JadeIcing

    Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2011

    WTH Just posting but found a friend was murdered, 13 shots to the back. He was like a brother.
  13. JadeIcing

    The Happy Bunny Family

    SnowyShiloh wrote: Gabriel does that. :biggrin:
  14. JadeIcing

    Hello, new owner who is over his head

    You have to keep them apart a minimum of 6wks. If she has babies than longer. Trying to find homes for bunnies is not easy right now. So be prepared to have them for a bit.
  15. JadeIcing

    Hello, new owner who is over his head

    If I was you I would get the female done first. I spoke to the rescue and they said that is the cheapest that they can think of. Sadly some areas are getting even higher than that in CT.
  16. JadeIcing

    Hello, new owner who is over his head

    I wanted to mention most vets will want to see the bunnies. I just called my vet the quote for a neuter was $220 not counting pre visit. I put out feelers in the rescue will let you know if anything comes up.
  17. JadeIcing

    Hello, new owner who is over his head

    LaylaLop wrote I foster for 3Bunnies, and while I am looking into cheaper vets we can't take the bunnies. We could try to help with sexing. I am in pms with the OP now. Hopefully we can help some how.
  18. JadeIcing

    The Happy Bunny Family

    8 is a lot! 7 is a lot! I would say don't. :( We are thinking of kids and moving. Yea the bunnies are the biggest issue which is why we stopped fostering, and are not adding more till whatever we currently has passed. The lizards are easy to move and easy to care for. The dog is just the one...
  19. JadeIcing

    Bunnies...And Other Very Important Things

    Love your taste in clothes and the colors. :)
  20. JadeIcing

    Alicia and the Zoo Crew 2011

    Wow so lots of fun and maybe a little to much family. Harper Emery who surprise surprise is staying. My LAST addition for a LONG time... Kendal Avery my african fat tailed gecko. --- On a side note. I can't foster. Allergies are getting really really bad. I can barely groom the rabbits...