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  1. missyscove


    It's not too late, he's still quite young. Your veterinarian may wish to do some pre-anesthetic bloodwork to check his internal organ function and if offered I do recommend it but it will add to the cost. Where do you live? (Consider adding at least our country to your profile). In the US...
  2. missyscove

    Obese bunny

    It's possible that she was only fed pellets previously. It's not uncommon for people to just offer bowls full of pellets and not to offer hay or greens. That could explain why she's not scarfing down her hay or greens with you. (Your pellets probably aren't the brand she was used to either...
  3. missyscove

    Benny passed away

    I'm sorry for your loss and having been on the veterinary side when an unexpected loss occurs, I can assure you that your vet likely feels just as bad as you do about this unfortunate death. Having your rabbit neutered was definitely not a wrong decision and most would assume that a 6 month...
  4. missyscove

    Help with allergies

    Has she seen an allergist? Do you know what she's allergic to? Was she always reacting to the rabbit and it's just gotten worse recently or has something else changed (maybe you switched him to a different variety of hay) that she's allergic to? There are good treatments available for people...
  5. missyscove

    Is this dog crate big enough?

    I recommend the largest cage you can fit in your space available. That size crate seems small for even a small rabbit unless they are getting plenty of time out of the cage. I have a 42 inch long crate I use for my rabbits, with a shelf, and they still get several hours of free roam time a day...
  6. missyscove

    how tall is your x-pen?

    I use a 30 inch pen which these days is just attached to their 42 inch long dog crate and they have free run of the pen. They've never tried to jump out but they used to jump from the floor up to my bed which was almost as tall so I don't doubt that if motivated they could do it.
  7. missyscove


    My rabbits too love their pellets. And the two of them split 1/4 cup a day (in addition to unlimited hay and two salads a day). In fact I've convinced them their pellets are treats and they will do tricks for them. Is your rabbit an adult? How much does he weigh?
  8. missyscove


    According to the most recent AVMA Guidelines for Euthanasia, "Intracardiac (in mammals and birds), intrasplenic, intrahepatic, and intrarenal injections must only be used if the animal is unconscious or anesthetized" IV injection is absolutely possible in rabbits, though there can be challenges...
  9. missyscove

    A right scare

    I'm glad to hear that he's started eating some again. Sometimes they just need a little critical care to jump start their system. Remember to keep his usual food around even when you're syringing him the critical care so he has plenty to choose from when he does want to eat.
  10. missyscove

    Urgent help!

    How did the vet visit go? Pregnancy in a rabbit can be diagnosed as early as 7 days in with ultrasound, and that's pretty non-invasive so that certainly seems like a reasonable place to start. If you were planning on spaying her, if your vet is comfortable spaying her at this age you might...
  11. missyscove

    Female rabbit not fixed, not pregnant, tight abdomen?

    Have you weighed her? Were you feeling her abdomen before and have definitely noticed a change? Some animals will tense up when you attempt to palpate their abdomens so what you're feeling may or may not be abnormal. A bloated rabbit typically feels like they've swallowed a basketball, but if...
  12. missyscove

    Cage Anxiety?

    I once had a rabbit, Timmy, who I fed every morning at 5:45 before I went to school who didn't like the concept of sleeping in on the weekend. If I didn't feed him by 6 am, he'd dig out his litterbox. Since then I learned that, especially if you're sharing a room with your rabbit, they should...
  13. missyscove

    RIP: My Lionhead rabbit is alive but wont move. help please

    I'm sorry for your loss. What you describe does sound like a neurologic presentation, but it's hard to tell without examining the rabbit or a necropsy. Some neurologic conditions in rabbits (like E. cuniculi) can be contagious so it may be worth talking to your veterinarian about a necropsy of...
  14. missyscove

    Water water bun wont drink

    Are you offering the water in a bowl or a bottle? I've found that my rabbits typically drink more out of a bowl. I have a 1/2 gallon gravity waterer I use for my two and a bottle as a backup but they never drink from their bottle and obviously prefer the bowl. If you're adding anything to an...
  15. missyscove

    Fleas - What do you use on carpets?

    Your safest bet is still vacuuming. One good use for the empty tube of revolution is throwing that into your vacuum bag or canister too. Frequent vacuuming, even of rooms with no carpet, and paying close attention to the baseboards will help rid your home of fleas. It's also essential to...
  16. missyscove

    When litter training stalls out. What next?

    Blue eyes has some great suggestions. Rabbits typically use their poop to mark their territory. I personally consider a rabbit littertrained when they pee 99% of the time in the litterbox and you can expect some stray poops basically for life. If the space he's allowed out in smells like...
  17. missyscove


    With any animal species the ideal age for spay/neuter is typically when that animal is large enough to be safely anesthetized and either young enough that we can presume they don't have any underlying medical conditions that would make anesthesia more risky or (ideally) they have had...
  18. missyscove

    Help with Revolution

    Most prescription medications should not be able to be returned, but if it's unopened flea prevention and is still within a good date your vet may take it back from you, up to them. Generally speaking it's not considered best practice to take dispensed medications back into the common stock of...
  19. missyscove

    Help with Revolution

    What are you hoping to treat with the revolution? There are varying opinions on the appropriate way to dose rabbits with selamectin. Some veterinarians use the cat/dog dose and others prefer a higher dose for rabbits. There is also evidence that rabbits may metabolize selamectin faster than...
  20. missyscove

    Water and pee

    Rabbits drink more water than other mammals their size. They average 50-150 ml of water per kg of body weight per day. This can vary based on diet (for example, rabbits that eat more fresh greens will drink less water than rabbits who eat more hay and pellets. It's important to always have...