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  1. A

    How much critical care do I give

    It all depends on what the size of the syrenge is. However when we force feed we usually give them 20 or 30ml per session.
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    Gunk Around Rabbit's Nose?

    Sorry, this is beyond my knowledge. However there are two things I can give advise you: -Common sense: eating, pooping, active etc...she should be okay. -Send the vet the picture and let them decide if this is something they should take a look at Bonus: Wait for others to comment here. If she...
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    Sneezing (thymoma found as cause)

    It seemed that the nebulizing with saline helped in the first 2-3 days but in the end it was just "placebo" or got lucky since 4th day she had like 30-40 sneezes, and then around 5 - 10. I will try to call the vet but I bet it will be another 2,5 week to get in. -Both eyes runny -Decreased...
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    Gunk Around Rabbit's Nose?

    What's up with her?
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    runny nose

    Call the vet.I think this would probably will require antibiotic treatment. (taking a sample and then they can recommend the most effective anti biotic)
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    Sneezing (thymoma found as cause)

    Also appetite decreased yesterday and today.
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    Sneezing (thymoma found as cause)

    Now it looks like her head is constanlty "scanning". I think most of you know what I mean. Here is a video about it: Let me know what you think. Especially @JBun
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    Gunk Around Rabbit's Nose?

    Great. Monitor for any nasal discharge, either colored or just nose wetness. Also check the inside of the paws whether that is colored or have any dirt. (They usually wash away the nose discharge with their paw) And of course: eating, drinking, pooping is the most important.
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    Gunk Around Rabbit's Nose?

    Let me know how it went, and how is she doing.
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    Possible leg injury?

    Could be. One of our Bunny speeded to the cage and hit her leg, for the next few hours she was licking it and I could see her limp a bit, but after a few hours she "recovered". (Vet saw her since like 100x times) Also you can check on his nails to see if those are ok.
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    Gunk Around Rabbit's Nose?

    Yes it can spread to other bunnies, however it might happen that the other bunny won't show any symptoms at all (it really depends on gene, wellness etc..) That's great if otherwise the bunny is well :) Call the vet, show/send them the pics and ask whether you should bring her in.
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    Help! My Rabbit Ate Monstera

    Fantastic! I think the poison would have "activated" by now so she will be okay.
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    Gunk Around Rabbit's Nose?

    Hello, I suggest talking to an exotic vet as soon as you can. To me this looks like nasal discharge which could be an infection. Hopefully this can be cured with some antibiotic. Does she sneeze? How is her appetite? How are the poops?
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    Help! My Rabbit Ate Monstera

    How is she?
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    Help! My Rabbit Ate Monstera

    I guess calling the vet is not an option as well then? How is she now? Is she just as before? Either push yourself to stay with her or just go to sleep and maybe set an alarm to check on her in like 3-4 hours?
  16. A

    Help! My Rabbit Ate Monstera

    According to the "internet" Monstera plant is poisonus to Rabbits however based on the amount you described probably she will be fine. However some suggestions: -Monitor her for the next 12 hours or so. Watch for any non normal behaviour: not eating, runny poop, not pooping, hiding, inactive...
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    Sneezing (thymoma found as cause)

    Ah that's bad :( Does your bunny had any eating problems as well? Like decreased apetite?
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    Sneezing (thymoma found as cause)

    They did look at their teeth with a little device (maginifier like thingy, that they insert into the mouth). That check was okay. When I asked about the x ray for head/face, they were hesitant, not much can be concluded from that. And what was then for Benji? Did they do anything about the teeth?
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    Sneezing (thymoma found as cause)

    Yeah, that's why I took her to the vet, and "it's okay, no probs there etc..." When I asked about xray and maybe to take a sample from her nose: no, that wouldn't reveal much.
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    Revolution for rabbit

    I see, was that an exotic vet? I let others comment on the product, since I know nothing about it.