The lump also appeared on two of my buns, which i was also super worried about, (but apparently it's a normal thing for buns) they've had it for a while now, about 3 to 4 months, and they've been fine so far, so I'm not too worried about it
I give my bunz at least a whole banana a week and they seem fine so I think it'd be safe for her to have a little more, but it also depends on how much other fruit you feed her, and again I'm no very experienced with buns
Hi my name is Emily, I've put my bunz in the rabbit forum, Binky, Lefty and Tiny Titan
I joined so that I could give my bunz a better lifestyle and share the tips and help support other bunny owners xxx
My rabbit recently got a large white spot in her eye it's very worrying but I don't know if it's actually harmful for her or if she'll go blind in that eye if you have any idea/opinion please tell me thank you
How can I keep my bunz nails short without cutting them? They are getting very long and seem possibly uncomfortable for them; they scratch the hutch floor I assume it's because of that