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  1. Emmi

    Deaf rabbit?

    Thinking back… she has really never responded to any noise I make. I will try the bag crinkling for a while and see how it goes.
  2. Emmi


    Very cute and welcome!
  3. Emmi

    Deaf rabbit?

    Long story short, I believe my beloved Emmi is deaf… she doesn’t respond to ANY type of noise, bag crinkling, loud bangs, no reaction at all. She only responds when she sees me or I pet her to get her attention. When she has her back to me or I’m in a place she’s not she would usually come when...
  4. Emmi

    What Are These Babies Colors?

    No idea but they are adorable!!
  5. Emmi

    We're going backwards on the litter box training.

    Also, try adding more than one litter box.
  6. Emmi

    We're going backwards on the litter box training.

    My rabbit is unfixed and she went backwards for about 2 weeks and now everything is great. Let me know if you need anymore help!
  7. Emmi

    Can a bunny and puppy bond?

    Absolutely!!! My dog loves my rabbits and my rabbits love my dog!
  8. Emmi

    Then and now

    Very cute! Crazychickengirl I love Dunes markings!