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  1. FuzzyBunny ph

    Two bunnies, what do I do?

    Okay wait! Before you get Bandit a friend, is he neutered already? Because if not, you might have a hard time bonding him with his new friend. If he is, I'd suggest to make him pick his friend and maybe arrange a playdate in your local bunny shelter. They can also tell you if the bunny is litter...
  2. FuzzyBunny ph

    how to get a rabbit to lose some weight

    do they get unlimited amounts of hay as well? I googled the pellets you're giving and although the nutritional analysis seems okay, but I'm not familiar with oat or wheat based pellets. I'm thinking since they're not really grass based its not ideal for the bunny. I'm more used to hay based...
  3. FuzzyBunny ph


    so they only go half way up? possible that he is at the helicopter ear stage bit if his ears dont always stay down when he's older, then possible he's a mixed breed :)
  4. FuzzyBunny ph


    when you mean he has floppy ears, does that mean he's a lionlop? Is he the one in your picture? I had a bun like him before but he never got to put his ears up 😆 only half of half way up. My holland lop though can put his ears up, found out he has a non lop gene. So possible that your bun is a...
  5. FuzzyBunny ph

    Is Bamboo litter safe?

    This looks okay :) do you have a separator in your litterbox? :)
  6. FuzzyBunny ph

    Is Bamboo litter safe?

    I'm from the philippines so I'm not sure if what we have is available there. How does the grilling wood pellets look like? :)
  7. FuzzyBunny ph

    Is Bamboo litter safe?

    hmm its says on this link that its fast clumping M-Pets Bamboo Organic Cat Litter - 2.1Kg I wouldn't use it if its clumping or scented, they could get blockage or respiratory issues I use wood pellets for my litter, they're kilin dried so its safe for their lungs. Some buns do tend to eat...
  8. FuzzyBunny ph

    How do you tell how much to feed a rabbit?

    For us, its just 1tbps of pellets but I hide this in their toys or foraging mats to encourage enrichment activities. Then some veggies and herbs. And of course, unlimited amounts of hay through out the day =)
  9. FuzzyBunny ph

    Which one of my rabbits is showing dominance?

    well for me its always whoever the oldest is. But of course this varies with their personality as well :)
  10. FuzzyBunny ph

    post fly strike surgery

    I dont have experience with fly strike but with any surgery a bunny goes through, its important that they get some take home pain meds, do you have any? maybe she's still in pain. How long has it been since the surgery? I'd say at 6hrs, start giving the recovery food and observe :)
  11. FuzzyBunny ph

    Urine marking

    Possible its a territorial behavior. Does the male bun usually stay in the places where she likes to pee? You can also try to put an extra litterbox where she likes to pee :)
  12. FuzzyBunny ph

    New Bun, New Housing Challenge!

    I would suggest alternate playtimes until you can get her fixed and properly bonded with the others. I will also help with the urine spraying :) I have a trio as well and before I got my youngest fixed, he was in a different enclosure but still next to the pen of my pair. Then every weekend, I...
  13. FuzzyBunny ph

    Which one of my rabbits is showing dominance?

    Seems like you're doing well! not sure what else I can suggest, have you tried feeding them at the same time? thats what I did with my trio, I feel it helps :)
  14. FuzzyBunny ph

    Different textured fur

    hmm usually I'd think he's shedding but at four months, not sure if they start to shed yet. But I don't think this has anything to do with her respiratory infection. Maybe he's just starting to grow his normal fur? :)
  15. FuzzyBunny ph

    neutering/spaying concerns

    Its important to look for a rabbit savvy vet that has done this multiple times with a high success rate. And then get their blood work done (cbc and blood chem) to be sure they're healthy enough to survive the anesthesia. It would be safer for if the vet uses a gas anesthetic like isoflurane as...
  16. FuzzyBunny ph

    suddenly bad potty habits?

    ohh if its right outside the litterbox, another theory is, she's in the litterbox but her butt is aimed outside 😆 this happened to my bun a lot, I had to find a high-sided litterbox to make sure she won't miss her aim
  17. FuzzyBunny ph

    suddenly bad potty habits?

    This is true even for fixed bunnies, thats why most people have hay in the litterbox or have a hay rack by the litterbox :) Personally, I wouldn't worry much about the poop. But if its pee outside the litterbox, I would get a urinalysis to rule out UTI hmm when bunnies take a bunch of hay out...
  18. FuzzyBunny ph

    One eye closed , LOST OBE BEFORE

    hmm since you recently bought them, I'd suggest to have the other two checked by an exotic vet. Usually animals being sold would have health issues or inborn problems :( Its probably why the other died so young. I usually suggest a necropsy for these but I'm not sure if vets can do this for...
  19. FuzzyBunny ph

    Cecotropes not being eaten

    hmm if you see cecotropes, it usually means they're producing too much of it. The cause of this is usually from the pellets but since you don't give pellets, maybe its something in the cilantro or romaine that's causing it. Can't say for sure though :)
  20. FuzzyBunny ph

    Is it okay that my bonded rabbits seem to enjoy wrestling for treats?

    I take it that they're both fixed already? :) Are they doing like some sort of lady and the tramp style when getting food from the other? My buns do this even if I give them one treat each, I think one has a better piece than the other 😆 This! my buns do this too! 😆