This has been bugging me for months! The last time we took Thumper to the vet they shaved his ear and took blood from it. I know different vets will do different things but it's something that's been bugging me. Plus the time before that the vet tech asked if Thumper threw-up, I almost told her...
Our dog Demon's nicknames are Mouth, Booger, Booget, Barky Von Schnauzer
Blossom's (the brown bunny) nicknames are Bloss and Bloss-Bloss
Thumper's (the white bunny) nicknames are Thump and Thump-Thump
When I address both buns I say "buns" or "bun-buns"
I made a list of pet names in case anyone needed them but you don't need them just for pets, they could be character names or nicknames! Feel free to add some of your own.
Agarni (said as ah gar knee)
Razilee (said as r ah z i lee)
I read that this forum doesn't support Lorelai from Lennonthebunny and I was wondering if there's others that you don't support like 101rabbits, Stormyrabbits, Sincerelycinnabun, ect. If not then can I ask why?
Sorry if this is the wrong topic for this, well, topic. I was just wondering if this ( ) is a good litter option.
Today's Blossom AND Thumper's gotcha day! Today makes 4 years since both came in to my life and they have been very positive for me. Here's some pictures of the final product from my post here: Tomorrow's the day! as well as pictures 10 minutes after I gave it to them. Sorry about the litter...
I know I just joined last night and probably shouldn't post this but tomorrow is Blossom and Thumper's 4th (year) Got'cha day! Where did the time go? I'm getting everything ready and if you want to see the final product let me know! Also the forage mix comes from the natural cavy on