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  1. Apollo’s Slave

    How much spinach is too much spinach?

    A handful of spinach will be fine for him. My bun actually really loves the stuff! As John Wick said, it's high in oxalates so should be fed in limited qualities, only a handful or so a few times a week (if you choose to feed it). I'm sure Louie will be fine! It's nice that your dad tried to...
  2. Apollo’s Slave

    Question about poop

    Quick update: I ordered coarse cut timothy hay from hay box club, he's had it a day and we've got nice golden poops! He likes this hay way better too :)
  3. Apollo’s Slave

    New member

    hay can be found in local farms if you have any near you. But if you have a lot of grass (pesticide-free), that should be fine. As long as there is enough for them to eat their body size in it a day. Also, fibrous leaves (such as certain palm leaves) will work too. Here is the link for the...
  4. Apollo’s Slave

    New member

    Grass is pretty much the exact same thing to hay. it's actually possibly even better x
  5. Apollo’s Slave

    New member

    Hey! Welcome to the forum! What does your rabbit eat? Grass hay (or grass) should be available to your bunny 24/7 with free access to as much of it as they want - generally, they should eat their body size (not weight) in the hay a day. I suppose it would depend on the rabbit, my rabbit eats...
  6. Apollo’s Slave

    When is a rabbit a senior?

    Apollo will be turning four this year - kind of. We don't really know his age, but he was approx 2 when we got him, and he'll be with us for two years in a few months. Anyway, I, of course, am still looking for a bun friend for him, for some reason it has been a way harder decision than before...
  7. Apollo’s Slave

    Anyone resigned to their white buns never having clean white feet?

    I just buy mine at my local pet shop - I've currently got a single bunny, and a 15l bag lasts like three months! It's often labeled as cat litter (just make sure that it's pelleted wood non-clumping cat litter as Zuppa said). The wood pellets don't disintegrate but they expand and absorb urine...
  8. Apollo’s Slave

    Anyone resigned to their white buns never having clean white feet?

    It might be worth switching your litter - i think wood pelleted litter might be more absorbent. You will also only need to change his litterbox 1-2 times a week. I have a bun with partially white feet (the back ones are white on the top, and the front ones are white on the bottom), and he...
  9. Apollo’s Slave

    Is it bad that I give my rabbit apples daily?

    a whole apple, even a medium-sized one share between three rabbits, is quite a lot. My rabbit gets a bite of an apple/any other fruit, maybe three times a week max, if he does get fresh fruit that week. I would use their pellets as the training treats instead and lessen the fruit amount even if...
  10. Apollo’s Slave

    Critical care supplement?

    Yes, that makes sense. Thank you!
  11. Apollo’s Slave

    Critical care supplement?

    I've seen online that crushed pellets would work as a "homemade critical care". Critical care is pretty expensive (the cheapest I've seen is £19.80 not including postage), now, of course, I could just buy it but if I can use this it would save me a bit of cash, which my poor fourteen-year-old...
  12. Apollo’s Slave

    Is small pet select worth it?

    If you don't know what hay you like, you could also try to find a tester box. I don't know if they do that in the US. In truth, the link I found is a lot more expensive than I'd pay for a tester box. So I'm not sure if you'd be able to get a cheaper one. But I bought one of these which had six...
  13. Apollo’s Slave

    Meet Sam!

    So cute! I love the name!! xx
  14. Apollo’s Slave

    Can an 8 week old and a 9 week old bond?

    @Barbara yeah, it is very sad. I would say that it's just an unfortunate accident though. If you choose a good vet and make sure they're rabbit savvy, I'm sure he'll be okay. I've had two buns neutered and never had any problems! x
  15. Apollo’s Slave

    Can an 8 week old and a 9 week old bond?

    I'm not too sure of all the details - it's my aunt and uncle's rabbit. I doubt any bloodwork was done (I'd never had bloodwork done when I got my buns neutered personally), and it was likely done at a regular Vets4Pets practice. My little cousin - who owned the rabbit, but her mum did most of...
  16. Apollo’s Slave

    Can an 8 week old and a 9 week old bond?

    sad news to report. Frosty (the older bun of the two) passed away during his castration this afternoon :(
  17. Apollo’s Slave

    Nicky is getting neutered

    Praying for him! Also, I think it’s amazing that he’s your 50th rescue 🥰💕
  18. Apollo’s Slave

    Question about poop

    Thank you everyone!
  19. Apollo’s Slave

    Question about poop

    Ah okay, thank you! xx