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  1. M

    New bunny questions.

    They did meet at the shelter, and I was told it went very well. Usually (in the same room) one is away in their cage and the other is roaming around the room. The rabbit expert at the shelter apparently told my mother Shadow (the new bunny) should be kept in his cage almost always and give...
  2. M

    New bunny questions.

    Hi all! I got my first bunny Luigi a little less than a year ago and things were swell with him at first. No problems litter training and he was pretty friendly after the first month or so. About two weeks ago, my mother adopted another rabbit from the shelter. We have no previous...
  3. M

    A picky eater?

    Wow, thanks for all the replies! @Marrie - I left for work today at 8AM and my mother let him out shortly after. He had free-run of my entire room today (with wires and other bad things tucked away) and was a very happy bunny! I came home and went to my room with a baby carrot and he came out...
  4. M

    A picky eater?

    I just adopted my first bunny ever from a local shelter. I am very new to all this so please, do not bash me! I bought plenty of timothy hay, thinking he would gobble it down and want to nest in it. Well he loves the nesting part, but hasn't even gone so far as to nibble the hay. In the...
  5. M

    Hello all!

    Hiya! *waves* I just recently adopted my first bunny from a local humane society. His name is Luigi and he is the first rabbit I've ever owned. So any and alladvice for a newbie is welcomed! Thanks! -Mel Oh and here he is -