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  1. L

    Lucy's Hand Made Home!

    Well if your ever interested in buying from us let me know, we would gladly ship out to you! Thanks for mentioning about the rabbit show! That is interesting, maybe my dad and I should just go to a show and see exactly what goes on. I did find it strange that they don't encourage rabbit...
  2. L

    Lucy's Hand Made Home!

    Thank you! We hope so to : ) "Now u should get one complimentary-tee hee - all these ideas will make them a fortune, especially if they go to rabbit shows with a portfolio and a sample...can u say cha-ching" We already contacted the ARBA (American Rabbits Breeders Association) and were...
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    Lucy's Hand Made Home!

    Thanks! The dimensions I have listed in the short description I provided, do you see it? Right above the pictures
  4. L

    Lucy's Hand Made Home!

    Hello again! I'm back with updates and photos! It's the new and improved version of Lucy's cage, that we hand craft and sell. Trig was happy to be our mascot : ) It is built out of one side rough cedar/one side smooth cedar. Brass hardware (silver is an option), galvanized wiring,with...
  5. L

    She just seems so bored

    I have bought the cottontail cottages. All four of my rabbits get a kick out of these. They love to hide in it, and chew the cardboard, it's preety funny when they get to the top floor. Other then that I give my rabbits natural logs to chew on, towels to rearrange, but I know how you feel...
  6. L

    what type of wood should i use?

    Def. want to use untreated wood. Ceder is what we choose to build our cages with. The company Ware Manufacture uses ceder to build commercial cages, and my rabbit savy vet told me that it is a safe wood to chew on.
  7. L

    Best option for outside hutch/cage?

    Hmm I thought I just posted to this one, it didn't work! Anyway I found this one... The pastureland hutch with the playpen. I thought it was cute and is onsale. I am hesitant to puting my rabbits outside though, however it would be...
  8. L

    New to buns... is this an acceptable cage?

    Hello! Looks like your trying to decide what kind of cage to purchase for your new rabbit? All I can tell you is I have spent alot of money on cages such as the ones you have in the picture. I have purchasedthe small version and large version of the petsmart rabbit cage. Thestore told me...
  9. L

    What is with the butt biting!!!

    Well I'm not sure if there was skin attached because he ate some of it before I grabbed it all. But I checked her as best I could and didn't see anything, but the vet is better at checking her for wounds. When he bit her on her stomach and bottom she scrambled away really fast, but she did not...
  10. L

    What is with the butt biting!!!

    Thanks for that info. How exactly did you take the bonding back a step? Like less time together, etc. Today we got back from the car ride, they snuggled in their nuetral area, Trig groomed her for a bit, and after abour a half hour he was walking past her and bam his ears went back and he...
  11. L

    Lucy's Hand Made Home!

    Hi Karen, Thanks for the comment, I will be sure to post new pictures though. Were getting new supplies, so once we have new cages built that we actually sell I'll post it and see what you think. I don't know much about Guinea Pigs though, are they trainable to a litter box?
  12. L

    Lucy's Hand Made Home!

    Thanks! Yea, linoleum is a very good option for this kind of cage. What's nice is you can always change the flooring to whatever you like, or what your rabbit prefers.
  13. L

    Frustrated with Oxbow!

    I've been ordering from the Sweet Meadow Farm for a long time now, and can say I've never had a bad batch. Always fresh, but I only order first cut Timothy, so I can't speak for the other types of hay. You can order however many bags you need at different sizes. I order 4 bags at a time to...
  14. L

    What is with the butt biting!!!

    Well that's good to know. I will stop intercepting those kind of bites then. As for the wound, that happened about 2 weeks ago. I was in a pickle, because we had to take in a doberman pinscher temporarily, and I had to stop bonding in the kitchen as he was interfering. He was a very large...
  15. L

    Lucy's Hand Made Home!

    Hi Karen! Thanks for those ideas! So far we only sell Lucy's style you see in the picture. But those are some really good ideas. My mom liked the coffee table idea and I like the corner cage thought very much! We'll have to do some prototypes and see what happens! Thanks : )
  16. L

    Lucy's Hand Made Home!

    Thanks! And yes that's my fish tank. It's 25-30 gallons not entirely sure, but I think the tank is more work keeping up then the rabbits lol
  17. L

    What is with the butt biting!!!

    Oh I guess the viedo would help .....
  18. L

    What is with the butt biting!!!

    This is the short video. After this, he had gone in the litter box, and she was hanging around in that area, then she stuck her head in and he had then gone after her preety quick. I'm not posting that video because I hit the button while I was pushing him away from her so you can't see his...
  19. L

    What is with the butt biting!!!

    Do I post a video the same way I would post a picture from photobucket?
  20. L

    What is with the butt biting!!!

    That is a good idea. I'm going to get the camera out....