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  1. E


    hi everyone, i'm easters momma and also new to the forum. (but i have posted a couple of topics already) love the site it has been very helpful to me. im new at being mommy to a rabbit, my 10 month old son got her as an easter present, hes still kinda small to worry about cleaning up after her...
  2. E

    new parents

    :Dthanks for the info its very helpful, easter is starting to come around more and more todayshe finally let me walk right up to her without running the other wayand let me pick her up and hold her a little while! she's still notfully litter trained but much better at it, hopefully its just a...
  3. E

    new parents

    sorry bout the color hope this is better what is timothy hay is this something specific i need to ask for? thanks for all your help easters momma
  4. E

    new parents

    thanks jenn. i will try that she is coming around more and more. im gonna try to post a picture soon, so i can show her off. she's so cute thanks for the tips easters momma
  5. E

    new parents

    sorry for the green font hope this is better any ideas or pointers anyone has would be helpful. this is my first time even being close enought to hold a bunny we havehad her almost a week now and i think she is the cutest little thing. please let me know what i should be doing at this point...
  6. E

    litter box training

    hi pet_bunny thanks for the info i will try to cut back on her space.hopefully that will work. it is so hard to believe we have only hadeaster for a week and i already love her so much. but can you give me afew more hints on basic things like rewarded her and getting her to notbe so scared...
  7. E

    litter box training

    that sounds just like easter, sometimes she does poop in the litter box to but not every time.
  8. E

    litter box training

    :Dweare very excited about our newbunny, our son got him as agift for easter, (so this is how she got her name) we would love to beable to let her have free run of the house, how ever i'm not doing sowell litter training her. please give me some pointers, easter is sixweeks old. she does ok...