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  1. K

    more questions...sorry, this is day 5

    So I have asked a few questions already and have learned some important things about owning a bunny. Thanks everyone! Each day I have more questions.... So, My baby is 11 weeks old. This is day 3 with litter box training. Loppy only made puddles on the floor one time and all the rest he went...
  2. K

    A few questions...I am a new bunny owner

    Ok...At what age do I get my male bunny nuetered? At what age do their balls drop and how can I tell if they are? Ok i thought I had more questions but thats all i am thinking of right now....Thanks!!!
  3. K

    New pics of Stormy and Salem!

    What cuties they are!!!!!
  4. K

    New Fuzzy Lop Bunny

    Wonderful ideas and info everyone!!! I really have learned a lot so far! Ok so my bunny is peeing in the litter box but will not poop in it. That little thing sure does eat and poop alot!! More than a newborn baby! haha He is doing the peeing think really well. I am going to do the hay thing and...
  5. K

    New Fuzzy Lop Bunny

    Thanks aurora. That was very helpful. So i did away with the critter care soft begging stuff today since it was all tangled in his fur. Much better. i brushed him out and even got 90% of the mats and tangles out! I am very happy about that! Now he wont be getting stuff stuck in his fur too! So...
  6. K

    New Fuzzy Lop Bunny

    So yesterday I bought this bedding stuff that I now isnt going to work! Its called critter care and it got all caught in his fur, on his legs and belly. The pet store used cedar and there were some shavings caught in his fur but nothing like this. So when you say shredded black paper, what do...
  7. K

    New Fuzzy Lop Bunny

    Hi everyone! I am new to the world of bunnies. I just got my first bunny today and he is absolutly adorable!!! He is in my lap right now. He is the sweetest thing ever!! He was an impulse buy I have to admit, but don't worry I am a responsible pet owner. I took the boys to the pet store Thursday...