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  1. S

    this email was sent to me maybe some of you will enjoy it:)

    LMAO! thats hilarious! lol, I was actually following along :P
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    wild times and crazy vet bills!

    Oh i'm so sorry:(. I hope your pets are ok andstay that way. a few years ago my bunny didn't eat, drink, orpoopedfor a day, so we had to take him to an emergency vethospital because it was a saturday and nobody else was open. We had togive him medicine for a time and he is all better and very...
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    my mom heard somewhere that they could be bad sowe don't get them for Scooby anymore, he loves them though. Plus,they're very high in sugar and i don't want him to get any chubbierthan he is ;)lol ~Caitlin~
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    new bunny

    Wow! She sounds so cute! Post the Pics! I love mini lops, they are adorable! ~*~Caitlin~*~
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    Once Again

    You should buy them! (Can't have enoughbunnies, lol)I mean, these bunnies could end up going to afamily who may ignorethem or not take care of them.But then again,they could also go to a really loving family.Hopefully it will be the latter. Caitlin
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    Bunny Diet

    Bunnylover, I didn't say you overdo the treats, I said that you give him a proper amount it seems. -Caitlin
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    Bunny Diet

    The amount of bananas you give him should beokay, and it doesn't sound like you give him too much treats. Scoobycouldn't live without bananas-lol. so you might want to cutdown on pellets to 1/8 cup pf pellets per 4 pounds--according to
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    Bunny Diet

    My baby, Scooby, eats bananas (he loves them!)and he will eat them in like a second! lol, but i only give him itevery once in a while, so he is in good health :D
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    Bunny Diet

    it really depends on the age of your bunny(alongwith other things), so here are a few links to rabbit nutrition pages:) Also, sugary foods like bananas & grapes can make a bunny alil' chubby.
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    Bunny races

    omg that would be so cute!!! I would love to seethat! lol, I can just see them so a binky half way through! Scoobywould just stand there, hop a few steps, sniff, and runbackto the starting line.:D
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    Going on a vacation

    Well Junior, I had that same problem last winterwhen I went on Vacation with my family. I asked my friend Amyto watch my bunny and evrything went smoothly. I made adetailed list of poisonous/edible foods, care instructions, gave themsupplies, play pen, etc--including my bunnys faves :) Amy is...
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    bunny sneezes

    I lost my first rabbit, Scrappy Doo, when he was2 years old. I had shown him at the fair that was 30 min away so icouldn't be with him 24/7...the day i brought him home he died and ithink it may have been snuffles. My other rabbit Scooby isstill alive butsoon after Scrappy died i took him to the...
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    Rest in peace Scrappy Doo2000~2002. Inamed him that because his brother is Scooby. I remember getting him, Iwent to a pet store to get a bird but when i saw him and just fell inlove with rabbits...he was a mini lop, a very beautiful black and whiteone. I miss him a lot...:(
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    Hi, my names Caitlin. I have one rabbit named Scooby Doo and he is a black andwhite mini lop. He is adorable! He won best of opposite of breed lastsummer at the county fair. He is going to be 5 this year. I love him!anyway, doyou have have a rabbit?
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    bunny sneezes

    That sounds very cute,but you may want to make sure she isn't getting sick. You should checkfor discharge in the eyes and nose and labored breathing if she keepson sneezing. Sometimes sneezing means it can have a serious illnesslike Pasteurellosis which can be fatal if untreated or it may be...