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  1. S

    Scoobys sick

    Thank you Carolyn. I will really misshim, he & his brother were my first rabbits and my firstpets. I can't believe he's gone either. I mean, hewas energetic and everything so I really didn't think that he woulddie...Up til now Ive just sat in my room and cried. Thank youagain. ~Caitlin~
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    Scoobys sick

    Thank you all. But, Scooby died thismorning. I've been crying my eyes out since about7:30. I will keep all of your advice forany futurebunnies I may have.:pray: ~Caitlin~
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    Scoobys sick

    He isn't pooping/peeing, but he's still eatingand drinking pretty normally. I have been giving him pinapplejuice and medicine calledmetoclopram that has worked well forhim in the past (unfortunantly, this has happened before:().This started last night, i noticed after I cleaned his cage.If...
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    O/T Michael Jackson

    I think that twisted man needs serious help andat least some jail time--for what he did there is no excusefor. Celebrity or not, he is still human and shouldn't betreated any differently than anyone else out there.If I were the judge,he would be serving a life sentence withno way out. Molestling...
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    Need ideas for bunny names

    I named Scooby after i was watching the showScooby Doo, that was five years ago when I was only nine andloved that show :angel:lol--I still love his name though, lol
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    Poll: Favorite Bunny!

    I'm sorry! I had no idea how popular they are! If i could edit the poll, I would switch Other with Flemish :D Oh, and by the way, on here you can vote for more than one!!! sorry i forgot that, lol ~*~Caitlin~*~
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    Poll: Favorite Bunny!

    I'm sorry! they only allowed me 10 places! lol ~*~Caitlin~*~
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    Poll: Favorite Bunny!

    Lol, I love 'em all too! But since Scoobys a mini lop i think they would have to be my fave :) ~*~Caitlin~*~
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    Poll: Favorite Bunny!

    What's your favorite breed of bun? (If you don't see yours on here, just say it:)
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    bunny rubs

    Scooby loves his face~he will stretch as far as he can till my hand is on his head! lol--it's cute!
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    question- How to get the bun to take meds

    When Scooby was sick and wouldn't eati mixed his medicine with vegetable baby food, he lovedit! i also gave him pineapple juice because he wouldn'tdrink. ~*~Caitlin & Scooby~*~
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    Thank you! I was hoping it was good, he really seemed to like it :) ~*~Caitlin & Scooby~*~
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    The other day I was eating a bagel near Scoobyand he acted like he really wanted it (like when I give him treats) andI was wondering if it's good for him? Thanks! ~*~Caitlin & Scooby~*~
  14. S

    Scoobys sick--need some advice

    UPDATE: Well, we took Scooby to the vettoday and he is impacted. (BTW--the logo isn't of Scooby,sorry, I haven't had a chance to get any on the computer as of yet, buthe is a black and white mini lop).I am giving him medicine and watereddown baby food, along with pineapple juice. He really...
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    Scoobys sick--need some advice

    I have been giving him pineapple juice every few hours.
  16. S

    Scoobys sick--need some advice

    Thank you~thanks for all the help. I need to go see him now so i g2g. Thanks!
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    Scoobys sick--need some advice

    oh yeah, we are bringing him into the vet tomorrow.
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    Scoobys sick--need some advice

    He ate very little treats, a few bites of banana.
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    Scoobys sick--need some advice

    no, he hasn't pooed at all. I'm worried.
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    Scoobys sick--need some advice

    Scooby isn't eating or drinking! Hestarted this pretty early this morning and since then I've been makinghim drink through a syringe (sp?), and he had about 2 bites of food,but thats it.:(Does anyone know any any good ways to make him feelbetter or causes to why he won't eat/drink? I would take...