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  1. S

    oh no!

    Justin you can't let Midnight go!!!Everyone else already gave you any and all advice I would have typedso,yeah, listen to them. Tell your mom that youwill have a very depressedbunny internetfriend ifshe makes you find Midnight a new home. ~Caitlin~
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    OT: A little humor

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...ha! those are HILARIOUS! Where'd you find them? lol, stupid people. ~Caitlin~
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    Minnesota Rabbit Emergency: 70 + rabbits confiscated

    I gotta say, an emptyrabbit cagebeside a persons garage does not make them a bad person that wouldrequire law enforcement to snoop around and look through therewindows. BUT I'm glad they did in this case! Partof being a responsible owner is to clean their cages, not just feed andwater. poor...
  4. S

    o/t I am SO upset!

    Wait a minute--shes 10, her mother isthere,you are not home, and she STILL did this??? Iwould have been so furious! That kid needs to learn somerespect for other people's pets! ~Caitlin~
  5. S

    o/t I am SO upset!

    OMG I would have screamed! I had aneighbor girl come over once and she just went to my hamster andtookher out of her cage! I wasn't even in the room!I only had one female so nothing bad happened, but I made sure shecouldn't get into it again. Oh, you (or her) will be overrunwith little babies! I...
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    I totally agree with you all, they need to beseriously punished for their crimes. But they only will get 1to 5 years in prison!!! That is not fair:mad:! Theyneed a lifetime sentence! ~Caitlin~
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    I'm not sure when exactly it happened, but itwas on either channel 5, 8, or 13 News at 6 today, and it said thatthere would be more at 10, but i missed it...I'm going to find out more. ~Caitlin~
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    I was just watching the news and there were afew teenagers who took live wild animals, put lighter fluid on them,and burned them alive!!! It was terrible!!! they didn't showthe whole video, but the part I saw was so cruel. And theyall live in Iowa. Apparently the teens taped this act ofcruelty...
  9. S

    Do bunnies need a salt lick?

    lol, how cute:D ~Caitlin~
  10. S

    Do bunnies need a salt lick?

    really? Oh, I feel bad about giving Scooby salt licks now:(...I'll remember that for the future. ~Caitlin~
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    Open County Fairs

    I've showed rabbits in county fairs for the last4 years--its fun! Nobody is extremely competitive and I havefriends to talk to while I wait. ~Caitlin~
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    Do bunnies need a salt lick?

    Months ago I had bought Scooby a set of 4flavored salt licks and he seemed to enjoy it, and I never saw any ruston my cage. He really liked Maybe hewas just an odd rabbit:P ~~Caitlin
  13. S

    please post. hurry

    lol, sometime. my old computer had aTON of sites, but then we switched...anyways, I have to go rightnow. it's 10 pm and supper is finally done! lol ~Caitlin~
  14. S

    please post. hurry

    Noooo! Not the TV! You really shouldn't worry me like that! jk:P Oh, and I bookmarked that page, too--another for my "collection." ~Caitlin~
  15. S

    Driver's Ed.

    :bunnyangel:Thank You :angel: ~Caitlin~
  16. S

    please post. hurry

    Lol, awesome! We got out of schoolJune 3rd. I don't know that much about hamsters, I just usemy trusty internet and there ya go! lol, my secrets out. Iconstantly bookmark animal sites(even if I don't own that animal:D) ~Caitlin~
  17. S

    please post. hurry

    Justin, I looked on the internet and found a small paragraph: Another thing that a pup will need is access to adult hamsterdroppings. Without these the hamster will not be able to develop thebacteria it needs to digest cellulose food. Yes, the pups will eatthese. Don’t be grossed out; it’s...
  18. S

    Driver's Ed.

    Yeah, I'm afraid Scooby did die last Tuesday:bunnyangel:(and my driving teacher was NOT making it any easier...) In Iowa you gotta take it to get your actual license, or even yourschool permit. I'm just glad I have only ONE class left!!!yay! And I know I'll pass, since he is always saying he...
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    Driver's Ed.

    Oh I wish I had that instructor! Thisman never knows what he's talking about it seems. One time, Iwas driving to my house on the gravel and he told me to be in themiddle, and we were going up a hill! And when my sister wasdriving he was giving her directions to get to our house.errrr...something...
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    Driver's Ed.

    Ok, I'm sorry if I sound immature, bratty, etc...but if you knew this man you would know how I feel. Driver's Ed. ends next Monday for my group and i am soexcited! I seriously don't like our instructor.Last year he made my sister's friend cry, and this year(my previousclass) he almost made my...