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  1. Watermelons

    Unknown bunny breed

    His ears are too big to be either of those breeds. And face the wrong shape. He is likely neither a Hotot or N. Dwarf. And having colour around the eye is common in a lot of broken colour rabbits, that is not what a Hotots eyes would look like. Rabbits are not like dogs where they are easy to...
  2. Watermelons

    Revolution and Possible Ear Mites?

    Actually opposite to what Echo said, kitten revolution is not strong enough. Bunnies are better dosed at 18mg/kg which is more then double what cats get. Your kitten likely needs all 3 doses so dont go giving any away but it also wouldnt hurt to dose Bentley as well.
  3. Watermelons

    Pink slime in water bowl???

    You dont want to be using an unglazed bowl. Since its porous it can still hold water and bacteria no matter how often you clean it. I would look into replacing your bowl with something stainless or a properly glazed heavy ceramic with lead free paint/glaze.
  4. Watermelons

    Rabbits being culled at Vancouver airport

    @TreasuredFriend your reply has been removed and topic closed. Reminder to all: If you cannot play nice in the sand box with out insulting other members, you will be removed from the forum.
  5. Watermelons

    Do rabbits sneeze

    Yes. Normal. As long as there is no coloured discharge when they do.
  6. Watermelons

    Pink slime in water bowl???

    Then feel free to even pour bleach into the bowl and let it soak for a little then scrub. Rinse, can even air dry for a little and you will be good to go. Remember it will evaporate on its own too. Bleach is great for getting the stink out of travel coffee mugs that get "forgotten". Both steel...
  7. Watermelons

    Pink slime in water bowl???

    Nothing wrong with using bleach to clean. Just rinse well after. Unless the bowl is plastic the bleach smell wont linger either and again I would not be using a plastic bowl anyway.
  8. Watermelons

    Pink slime in water bowl???

    Bowl should be stainless or ceramic. Plastic is not ideal. It harbours bacteria easier and does not clean as nicely as you can never get all the scratches clean. Water bottles or bowls should be cleaned with a scrubbie and refreshed daily. Sometimes twice or more daily in warm weather.
  9. Watermelons

    Debridement surgery

    Has bloodwork or other diagnostics been done? Has she been checked for auto immune issues or other systemic problems? Hay should not be causing wounds no matter how long they sit in it. Newborn rabbits with no fur wriggle around in hay and dont get hurt. Did the vet use a cardiac monitor on her...
  10. Watermelons

    My rabbit ate a tiny bit of conditioner

    It might upset his tummy thats about it. Conditioner is more water then anything else. I wouldnt worry. As usual just push hay and water.
  11. Watermelons

    Cobra insecticide? Safe or no?

    Have you thought of a physical item to repel them first? Not sure what you can get where you are. Rabbits have pretty fragile respiratory systems. I could caution against using chemicals...
  12. Watermelons

    Interest in Food Comes and Goes?

    Where do you live and how warm is it where you are?
  13. Watermelons

    Switching to adult pellets

    Anywhere from 4-6 months is fine. But it also sort of depends on breed. I would keep a large breed on them longer then a dwarf breed.
  14. Watermelons

    Hello and HELP! (bonding)

    They need to all be kept apart until they are all 1-2 months past being spayed & neutered. And you definitely need to keep the female far away from the boys.
  15. Watermelons

    What breed is my bun?

    Rabbits arent like dogs in that dogs are usually easier to tell what breeds are in them. Any guesses people make will be just that, fun guesses. She is likely a mix of 1 or more breeds. Shape of their crown determines if their ears lop or not. If she didn't come with a pedigree saying she is a...
  16. Watermelons

    Help, my bunny is depressed.

    Rabbits are a prey species and hide illness well. Sounds more lile your current rabbit is sick with whatever the the other one died from just as Preitler said. Please do not get another rabbit until this one is well. It sounds like you may need to find a different vet. Do you have other options...
  17. Watermelons

    Snuffles Treatment Failure

    Please do not continue to bump your post when nobody answers right away. Jenny has already given you good advice in one of your previous threads This type of infection needs to...
  18. Watermelons

    Can a rabbit pass cat food if they eat hay and drink water?

    Gas drops would be good to have on hand in your first aid kit anyway. But you dont need to give medication unless its actually needed. The less you stress over him the better. Its just cat food. Dont leave it within reach regardless of it being accidentally left open
  19. Watermelons

    Can a rabbit pass cat food if they eat hay and drink water?

    Its just cat food he will be fine. Maybe some GI upset but youre already doing the right thing
  20. Watermelons


    You would be better off growing the flowers yourself and letting him eat those. Do not add anything like this to his water. Anything that has the potential to change the taste of the water for the worse can impact how much they drink and cause even more issues. Snuffles isnt easy to deal with...