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  1. Watermelons

    Sticker on foot + stained bum...

    Top down view? Theres potential he could be carrying a little extra weight, hard to tell from photos. Like dogs, you should be able to feel ribs with ease. You shouldnt have to press firmly on their side to feel ribs.
  2. Watermelons

    Sticker on foot + stained bum...

    The sooner you can get it off the better, like now ideally. If he eats that sticker it can cause an obstruction. Sticky stuff is always a danger which is why we can break the no bath rule for a foot bath because that definitely needs to come off. Yes its tiny but its still a big risk.
  3. Watermelons

    Sticker on foot + stained bum...

    Soak the foot in water or use baby/mineral/olive oil on a qtip and remove it then wash that foot with some dawn dish soap. As for the pee, try and clean daily. And remember most pets are overweight and this is what vets are used to seeing. His butt appears fine in that photo.
  4. Watermelons

    Home grown grass

    Google growing fodder.
  5. Watermelons

    How much to feed

    Here are some resources for anyone interested in giving their rabbits a solid healthy diet.
  6. Watermelons

    How much to feed

    Again please stay away from giving too many greens that can cause bladder/kidney issues. Add variety away from those types of greens. Rabbits do not NEED pellets. Especially if you are giving a wide variety of veggies. I would not be giving her any more then 1/4 to 1/2 cup a day. Just because...
  7. Watermelons

    Any temporary measures to keep unspayed rabbits from breeding?

    So she could very well be pregnant already. They have both been old enough for babies for several weeks so you need to be prepared. They cannot have access to each other what so ever! Please keep them seperate. No play time.
  8. Watermelons

    How much to feed

    The general rule is 1/4 cup of pellets per day per 5lbs of body weight. Even if the rabbit is bigger however you dont need to feed the max amount. Its more important they fill up on hay. So even some 10lb bunnys need less then 1/2 a cup because we want them eating more hay. I removed a post...
  9. Watermelons

    Any temporary measures to keep unspayed rabbits from breeding?

    They need to be housed seperate. Asap. And no free time together. If shes not already pregnant she will be soon. Baby bonds are also not true bonds.
  10. Watermelons

    Running out of hay

    why dont you look for more common hays like timothy or orchard?
  11. Watermelons

    Preventing GI stasis

    Ditch the cauliflower, broccoli, and carrot. You dont need to give gassy veggies and high sugar carrots when there are better greens out there. Stick with leafy greens. Less rommaine and more variety of healthy lettuces. Think spring mix greens.
  12. Watermelons

    Rabbit ate half an almond.

    Nah almonds are fine. Just not ideal for a rabbits diet. They dont need the fat. If they were that toxic my parrots who guilt you into giving them multiples every day would have died years ago.
  13. Watermelons


    Healthy rabbits do not pee on themselves. And they should also be able to clean themselves up. I would be more concerned about why this is happening. Why is she peeing on herself and unable to groom herself? Please do not bath your rabbit. We have had members on here refuse to take this advice...
  14. Watermelons

    are these prices worth it? (tokihut, maze havens, wood hideys)

    My guys all loved the little circular cat post/ cubby from walmart. Cuter then a box but still fun to dig in Appearently superstore has them too...
  15. Watermelons

    canada based rabbit/small pet shops?

    I highly recommend Nicole has a whole line dedicated to bunnies and guinea pigs and other small critters. Plus her toy parts section is massive and there are a ton of natural chew toy options bunnies love. Located in BC.
  16. Watermelons

    My cat attacked my rabbit

    Have you talked to your vet about getting your cat on some type of pain control? What about a sedative? Declawed cats tend to have a lot of chronic issues. They are basicly in constant pain and pain and cause agression or other behavioural issues. It sounds like theu both need their own space...
  17. Watermelons

    Is my rabbit skinny or fat? Or is he a good size?

    No. Being able to feel his ribs does NOT mean he is underweight! He sounds like he is the perfect BODY CONDITION. A fit lean rabbit is a lot healthier then a fat one. Your rabbit is a mix. You cant base what he should weigh based on breed standards. Even within breeds some rabbits ard big and...
  18. Watermelons

    Is my rabbit skinny or fat? Or is he a good size?

    Actual weight in lbs means nothing honestly. If hes 3.7lbs but is a size that he should be 8lbs or 2lbs then its bad. So the numbers dont mean much other then for feeding guidelines. He does not look underweight at all. You would have to feel him physically to see if hes overweight. Can you...
  19. Watermelons

    Unknown bunny breed

    Incorrect. They are still too big. And his eye ring is not correct for a hotot rabbit either. Hotots have very thin black eyeliner. Very different to what your rabbit has. Most rabbits who have a broken colour pattern (like him) have some sort of eye ring. This does not make them hotots however.
  20. Watermelons

    Reopened spay stitch?

    Disolving stitches dont disolve that fast. I would take her back to the clinic to have it dealt with. She may need antibiotics as well. And please look into some type of cone or shirt for her as this means she has either been licking/chewing or way to active.