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  1. Watermelons

    Flooring /diy question

    I use lino under my parrot cages to protect the flooring and they make a mess no rabbit can even compete with. Anytime ive pulled them up to clean around the edges the floor under appears perfect. Otherwise you could build a wooden base for them with a 1x2 around the edge and use textured...
  2. Watermelons

    is flavoured pedialyte safe?

    Not the end of the world. Especially since its for emergencies. Its more the fake colour they add that i dislike more then the artificial flavour.
  3. Watermelons

    I accidentally stepped on my bunny.

    Please contact a rabbit savvy vet as soon as you can. If none are available any vet will do.
  4. Watermelons

    Flea medication for bunnies

    Just ensure you get the correct rabbit dosage. Buns need a dose more then double what cats/dogs need. 18mg/kg
  5. Watermelons

    Toxic? Ponytail Palms Looks like youre fine. Non toxic. Just an FYI if that is a photo of the rabbit youre talking about, hes not a checkered giant. Very cute trouble maker however.
  6. Watermelons

    Can I feed my rabbit dog treats?

    Pumpkin is a fruit not a vegetable and @SirLawrence has covered the rest. He shouldnt be wanting what the dog gets because he shouldnt be allowed near it.
  7. Watermelons

    Just a quick question

    Tomatoes are not vegetables. You want to be adding leafy green veggies. Think spring mix, mustard greens, collard greens, raddish tops, herbs, etc.
  8. Watermelons

    Can I feed my rabbit dog treats?

    No. And you really need to secure his enclosure better and not leave stuff out as getting into something can potentially kill him.
  9. Watermelons

    what breed is my bunny?

    The entire point of the forum is as a resource for information. And if people are going to spread false information on it, all it does is ruin it for the readers. This is why we keep having people assuming all rabbits with eyerings have hotot in them and all spotted rabbits are english spots...
  10. Watermelons

    what breed is my bunny?

    Guys english spots look nothing like that (and neither do hotots). Thats like calling a black pomeranian a lab because its black just like a black lab. All black and white dogs are not border collies. Different rabbit breeds have the same colours. A broken colour pattern rabbit is simply just...
  11. Watermelons

    what breed is my bunny?

    100% that is not an english spot. Again just because the rabbit is a broken colour pattern does not mean it is that breed. English spots are a arched breed and rare to be seen as pets.
  12. Watermelons

    what breed is my bunny?

    Most broken pattern rabbits have the markings around the eyes. It does not mean hotot. OP your rabbit is a generic mix. Rabbits arent like dogs where its easier to see breeds.
  13. Watermelons

    Emergency Question-milkweed!!!
  14. Watermelons

    Are cheerios safe for rabbits?

    Giving your rabbit fruit is better then cheerios so not really. They dont need the grains or sugar so why give them? Far better and healthier treat options.
  15. Watermelons

    vet question

    If they are truely a specialist that all sounds completely normal. Lots of rabbit vets can deal with normal bunny problems but hitting serious issues like liver lobe torsions you are stepping into some serious business. Routine checkups are often basics like bloodwork and checking teeth and...
  16. Watermelons

    Is wheaten hay OK for bunny?

    Lucerne is another name for Alfalfa and if your rabbit is an adult they dont need alfalfa hay. So no i would not feed lucerne. Wheaten is fine, just make sure there arent too many seed heads. But rabbits can be picky! Make sure he isnt getting too many pellets so he has to eat his hay.
  17. Watermelons

    IKEA hol as a litter box

    In that case why not! There are some water based sealants you can use on the wood too that are bunny safe (the name escapes me) so if someone misses the litter box.... im sure a quick forum search will bring up some results.
  18. Watermelons

    IKEA hol as a litter box

    Looks like a very expensive chew toy. Doubt it will cause respiratory issues as youll be cleaning the litter box daily anyway.
  19. Watermelons

    Blister on bunny testicale? Worried and in need of some advice

    Rabbits have very strange funny shaped bits compared to other animals so lots of people tend to panic when they see them especially when a lot of buns suck them up when they are picked up so owners dont see them that often and when they do heres this strange tumor looking thing.
  20. Watermelons

    Blister on bunny testicale? Worried and in need of some advice

    Im sorry but i dont see anthing but a normal looking bunny ball in those photos. Can you try for a better lit clearer photo?