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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Watermelons

    Rabbit breed?

    That colour pattern is simply "broken" which dozens of breeds come in. English spots are an arched breed with very specific spotting and body type, nothing like the OPs photos. @Astrx your bun is simply a cute mix.
  2. Watermelons

    Preventing Babies

    Shes probably already pregnant. Either move up their appointments or get ready for babies. They need to be kept seperate for at least a solid month after they have been fixed as well. Thereis no way to keep them together. They shouldnt even be allowed to touch between bars because he can still...
  3. Watermelons

    Revolution for rabbits

    Even 30mg isnt technically strong enough for a 6lb bunny. Youll want the 45mg/tube one. 46.8mg for a 6lb rabbit. It will be up to a vet to dispense for you.
  4. Watermelons

    Advice on my rabbit’s diet please!!

    He is pretty much done growing so pellets can be limited to 1/4 cup per day. Unlimited hay. More leafy greens - variety, less fruit. A small treat of fruit here or there is okay.
  5. Watermelons

    What do ya'll use for bedding?

    Its not recommended to use shavings or paper bedding in the sleep area as again that can encourage your rabbit to go to the bathroom there. We typically suggest the only place you use "litter" or "bedding" like that is the litter box. If they are litter trained and not big chewers just give...
  6. Watermelons

    What do ya'll use for bedding?

    Most people dont use any bedding as soft places can encourage buns to pee there. If you know your rabbit is good, and not a chewer or likely to pee there you can try fleece.
  7. Watermelons

    Accidentally Stepped on Bunny

    Some of you are going to end up on moderated posting pretty quickly here. Consider this an official warning. Any person, any age, needs to be held responsible for looking after any animals they bring home. Child or adult, if you are not prepared to care for and SEEK VETERINAY ATTENTION when it...
  8. Watermelons

    Accidentally Stepped on Bunny

    Kinda eating is not great. Getting lucky with injuries is not great. Withholding medical care from animals is not great either. Rabbits are a prey species, they are designed to hide their pain and suffering. So not seeing signs of pain does NOT mean they are A-Okay!
  9. Watermelons

    switching pellets

    Garden select? Isnt simple harvest their hay? That sounds fine. I wouldnt worry too much you might be going a little over kill so relax and dont worry. Its the same brand And the garden select has more hay and goodness in it anyway.
  10. Watermelons

    Accidentally Stepped on Bunny

    This rabbit needs a vet now. Vet school isnt part of high school so her feeling him means nothing. He needs proper veterinary care asap. Call a friend, get a taxi, and help your pet. This is why we advocate that anyone, child or adult, who gets a rabbit or any animal needs to be able to...
  11. Watermelons

    Is this rabbit toy safe (rope toy)?

    Thats probably meant for you to make toys with, not hand your rabbit a roll of rope.
  12. Watermelons

    Breed Identify

    Unlikely. You have only posted 1 photo that does not show the rabbit well at all, but even from that angle you can see that rabbit does not have the face or ears of a Netherland.
  13. Watermelons

    Breed Identify

    The white rabbit is likely a rex mix as it appears to have the curly whiskers and plush coat a Rex would have, and the grey just appears to be a generic mix. However photos are not very great for getting a good view at the fur. If theyre from the same litter they are both just mixes.
  14. Watermelons

    HELP NEEDED - scabbing and swollen area around vent

    First guess would be rabbit syphilis or some other type of virus. Was she put into quaranteen when you got her? How many other rabbits do you have from this person?
  15. Watermelons

    HELP HELP HELP!!! I overgroomed my rabbit and now he has a bald spot!

    Please throw the furminator out. They should never be used on any species as they physically cut the animals hair. Those are blades and you are thinning the coat by cutting it out not just removing "dead" or shedding hair.
  16. Watermelons

    Revolution dosage

    Rabbits should be dosed at 18mg/kg. They are not like dogs and cats. Doing less you run the risk of whatever youre trying to kill building up a tolerance or just not working period.
  17. Watermelons

    Convince Parents to let me get another rabbit?

    This line right here is so wrong. Its nobodys job to buy you a rabbit. Regardless of parents giving you permission or not, you should be the one saving up for the rabbit yourself as you will need to be the one saving up for an emergency vet visit as well. If you cannot afford to look after the...
  18. Watermelons

    Does anyone know what breed my rabbit may be?

    Just a generic mix. Very cute though
  19. Watermelons

    What Breed is my bunny?

    Definitely not a rex. Just a generic mix.
  20. Watermelons

    What kind of rabbit?

    Mix breed.