Dating when you have rabbits

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Mar 2, 2021
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United States
I wanted to take a leap talk about something I haven't seen talked about often in the rabbit community. That's dating when you have rabbits. I was reading a post where someone poked the bear and that made me want to start a discussion due to my own curiosity. I adopted a trio of rabbits 2 years ago and love them to death. I never thought they'd bring any complications to dating. I'm a wee young 22 year old woman who has never had a boyfriend, but I do know that mentioning my rabbits has turned off quite a few guys who were initially interested in me. On top of that, I've been told by a few of my male friends that rabbits could be a deal breaker for a lot of men. I find that hard to believe, but it does scare me a little. I'm just curious, what have your experiences dating when you have rabbits? Especially if you have 3 or more. Men and women welcome to answer.
I have never had a boyfriend so I don't have any experience with this subject, but I have several guy friends and they all love Theo (my mini rex). One of my friends lives in a different state and he only facetimes me because he wants to see Theo 😂
I think that if the guy decides he doesn't want to pursue a relationship because you own rabbits, then that is just rude. He needs to love you for who you are. He needs to love the rabbits you love, not just because he actually loves rabbits, but because he loves the joy the rabbits bring you.
I can't imagine any dude I know having any issue whatsoever with someone's pets, rabbit or otherwise.

Granted, it's different, since the norm is a cat or dog, but I just can't see any guy judging a female one way or another because she likes small, furry mammals. Kindness and empathy towards small, living things is supposed to be a very feminine quality that men actively seek :)
I have not rly had much experience with boys except for one... let’s just say it was NOT a good relationship and leave it at that😂 I just mentioned my rabbits as if they are really awesome. I’ll tell people about how he learned to high five me or how high he can jump into the bed. Stuff like that always gets them interested 😂 but usually I just keep quiet until I have a cool story to tell, but don’t be afraid to mention your buns. They are a part of your family and I don’t want you to be bothered by what people think about them 😊
I’m quite a lot older than you (well, ahem, quite a lot, but I feel 22 😉) and I have 2 buns. The experience I have found is usually surprise, followed by a bunch of questions (don’t they smell? They just roam around? Don’t they pee everywhere? etc etc) and then the conversation changes to something else.

The concept of keeping a rabbit in a house as a pet has seemed to basically blow their minds slightly, because of cultural nuances mainly, but not necessarily put them off. That said, I am still single 😂

If I do meet someone compatible, they will be an animal lover. And that will need to include my buns, because they’re not going anywhere.
On top of that, I've been told by a few of my male friends that rabbits could be a deal breaker for a lot of men. I find that hard to believe, but it does scare me a little.
Don't know if your male friends are too young to know Clint Eastwood, but he's always been seen as a manly man. Perhaps they are unaware that even Clint Eastwood likes rabbits (and has one for a pet)...
I dated and had rabbits... I'm 22 as well. The relationship was 2 1/2 years long and very bad in many, many ways, but I have to say he always treated my rabbits with kindness. I had Neal when we started dating, who died following a seizure not long into the relationship and got Willa and Foxwell while in the relationship. I would consider someone not loving and having compassion for animals to be a huge deal-breaker. I've tried dating since and the rabbits have not proven to be a deterrent.

Another plus side is how kind rabbits are to us as humans and how good they are at comforting us when things do go wrong. While I frequently talk about how I bonded with Willa, I seldom discuss the moment Foxwell and I became friends because when the little dude first approached me on his own was not as cute of a story. The relationship with my ex had progressed into a very scary, dangerous place close to the end of it all and Fox came to be petted for the first time when I was hiding under my desk crying. He was adopted as a stray and I think he understood being scared and alone and didn't want me to feel the same. The bunnies helped me through a terrible time, which is worth so much more than anything else.

A good choice in a significant other is someone who respects and is curious about the things you love and you treat the same way.
I'm an old, married lady (ha!) who has been married almost nineteen years and we have had rabbits (and now also guinea pigs) for seventeen out of those almost nineteen years. My husband is a correctional sergeant at a supermax prison which is typically viewed as a manly man's job, but he absolutely adores these little pets and really any bunny. He even goes nuts for the cottontails which nest every year and hang out in our backyard. My bunny brings peace and happiness to him after working all day at a stressful job. He pets my bunny and guinea pigs before he leaves for work and as soon as he gets home . He was very distraught when my Lily died in 2017 so I could not imagine any man not liking rabbits or little, furry animals. I always joke that a "real man loves bunnies" but honestly....I'm not joking!!! We really couldn't imagine our lives without a bunny or other pets in it and he understands I will always put them first because I am their voice and their momma.

I also have a grown son who is a repo man, and he absolutely adores bunnies, cats, and other little animals. My dad is the same way as well.
There are 3 types of men.
Thoes who dont like animals at all, especially in the house.
Thoes who love animals.
Thoes who think dogs are the only real pets.

Date the 2nd option. Animal lovers are known to be warmer and more compassionate people.
I asked my husband what he thought about this subject and he says he understands why it can be a big turn off. He says it’s hassle to bunny proof, you always have to be on the lookout to not leave any wires, plants, documents, etc. out were they can get to it. They’re not trainable like dogs to train them to stop chewing on furniture or baseboards. We have 2 dogs which he adores but I felt like I needed a bunny, and I was right. Since we got Keiki last year, my life has been definitely happier, now I know I’m a rabbit person more than a dog person lol. My husband is an animal lover and loves Keiki definitely not as much as he loves the dogs but he goes out of his way to pet her any chance he gets. I agree with @LadyGrey date an animal lover.
I'm surprised that guys in their 20s would be turned off by a pet rabbit. My husband DEEPLY resented my first rabbit, Smoky, and it didn't help that Smoky was always chewing electrical cords and baseboards. But that's kind of different because we're in a home-ownership phase of life and some men are very protective of their investments. To be negative about pets when you're younger is different and kind of a downer. It sounds like it might be a good idea to kind of fish in different ponds. Good luck!
I am a bit older, married for 49 years and we didn't get our first rescue til 2002. My advice to you all is this: if a person does not like animals, especially rabbits, Monty Python said it best in their movie that included a little white rabbit, "run away!"(The Holy Grail). They are not worth your time and will not really be a good prospect to spend any of your life with. And yes, they will chew on many things so you need to diligently "rabbit proof your house and have a "dedicated" area for them. I could go on, but I will spare everyone as I do get long winded sometimes and most do not want to hear from life experiences unless the solicit something specific, like in this instance. Good luck and always be selective.
Those spambots get better and better :(. Just google that "guy", discovered a lot of interests all over the net very recently, from boating, weight loss, Teslas, you name it - always answering to a post about dating or similiar topics.

That they start with a innocent post and drop the links later isn't new, but obviously AI makes it less obvious and cheaper to emulate a person...
That is a bad impersonation of a german guy though...

Oh, don't click on the link.
I wanted to take a leap talk about something I haven't seen talked about often in the rabbit community. That's dating when you have rabbits. I was reading a post where someone poked the bear and that made me want to start a discussion due to my own curiosity. I adopted a trio of rabbits 2 years ago and love them to death. I never thought they'd bring any complications to dating. I'm a wee young 22 year old woman who has never had a boyfriend, but I do know that mentioning my rabbits has turned off quite a few guys who were initially interested in me. On top of that, I've been told by a few of my male friends that rabbits could be a deal breaker for a lot of men. I find that hard to believe, but it does scare me a little. I'm just curious, what have your experiences dating when you have rabbits? Especially if you have 3 or more. Men and women welcome to answer.
are you feeling bad to loss those guys who started to be interested in you but back off because your 3 buns? I would tell you those few guys you have lost in touched with them are not good enough for you seriously. "Love me Love my Rabbits" ok. let see if the man cant even love the innocent harmless cute little pets of yours, how would he accept who you are? normal humans have good and bad habbits. he cant accept rabbits, do you think he can accept all yr behaviors ? I saw a post that a woman said her rabbits hated the man she was dateing for a few months and kept bitting him, she eventionally broken up with him, at first she felt bad but then she found out, he wasn't only dateing her but a couple of women and herself. She posted to thanks her rabbits for kick the guy out of her life. Animals instinct, u know what i meant.

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