Eye discharge and sneezing

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New Member
Feb 11, 2025
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cincinnati ohio
Hello! this is my first time posting on here. I have a pet Netherland dwarf bunny who is about to be 5. a couple hours ago i noticed he kept sneezing which oh well it happens, but it kept happening n is continuing as i write. it’s not excessive but if it was a human u would probably assume they are sick. i went to check his nose because i thought maybe something got in there but when i did that i noticed something else. on the right eye there is so much discharge and eye boogers. to the point where its in his fur and hardened. it must have happened over night or something because i never seen it or felt it on him before. I’m just concerned if it’s something serious or if this is just a sign i gotta dust my room lol. his breathing looks and sounds fine too.
image of bunny
If the discharge was only clear and it's stopped and the eye is no longer runny and he's not sneezing, it could have just been some debris in there causing irritation. Or if there is still clear discharge and sneezing happening, it could be there's still some debris in there, or possibly something else going on. But if the discharge is white (sticky and dries hard), that's most often a bacterial infection, which needs the proper rabbit safe antibiotic treatment at minimum.


If the cornea is cloudy as well, there's a likely scratched cornea causing the infection. If it's just white discharge from the corner of the eye, possibly an infected and blocked tear duct. This can be isolated to the tear duct, or it could possibly be linked to a dental infection.





If there's white discharge or you're concerned at all there's a medical issue, I would urge having your rabbit checked by a knowledgeable rabbit vet. If it's the tear duct, the vet may want to flush it under sedation, or just try antibiotic eye drops and possibly oral antibiotics (rabbit safe), to see if that clears it up. Also meloxicam as an anti inflammatory. If the vet suspects it may be dental related, then head xrays may be required.


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Hello! this is my first time posting on here. I have a pet Netherland dwarf bunny who is about to be 5. a couple hours ago i noticed he kept sneezing which oh well it happens, but it kept happening n is continuing as i write. it’s not excessive but if it was a human u would probably assume they are sick. i went to check his nose because i thought maybe something got in there but when i did that i noticed something else. on the right eye there is so much discharge and eye boogers. to the point where its in his fur and hardened. it must have happened over night or something because i never seen it or felt it on him before. I’m just concerned if it’s something serious or if this is just a sign i gotta dust my room lol. his breathing looks and sounds fine too.
image of bunny

If the discharge was only clear and it's stopped and the eye is no longer runny and he's not sneezing, it could have just been some debris in there causing irritation. Or if there is still clear discharge and sneezing happening, it could be there's still some debris in there, or possibly something else going on. But if the discharge is white (sticky and dries hard), that's most often a bacterial infection, which needs the proper rabbit safe antibiotic treatment at minimum.


If the cornea is cloudy as well, there's a likely scratched cornea causing the infection. If it's just white discharge from the corner of the eye, possibly an infected and blocked tear duct. This can be isolated to the tear duct, or it could possibly be linked to a dental infection.





If there's white discharge or you're concerned at all there's a medical issue, I would urge having your rabbit checked by a knowledgeable rabbit vet. If it's the tear duct, the vet may want to flush it under sedation, or just try antibiotic eye drops and possibly oral antibiotics (rabbit safe), to see if that clears it up. Also meloxicam as an anti inflammatory. If the vet suspects it may be dental related, then head xrays may be required.


after flushing his eye out myself yesterday (i have a squeeze bottle like droplets i didn’t pour water into his eye or anything) the white discharge hasn’t came back? but i’m still def gonna schedule a vet appointment to make sure he’s all good. i’m so worried tho if it is dental related i genuinely do not have the type of money to take care of him if he needs multiple vet appointments and operations. ty for informing me about what to look for.

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