dandruff or dry flakey skin

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Apr 1, 2023
Reaction score
Haupiri: New Zealand
Hi all,
So I've noticed of the last week that my bunny seems to have little white specks on her fur, I looked today at her skin and it seems she has a bit of dry flakey skin around her neck and shoulder areas. She hasn't had any fur loss, and it doesn't look like mites at all. The weather has been really hot for our area of the country (not sure if that would affect her skin). She is also going through a molt, and I have read that it can sometimes cause a bit of skin irritation (dry skin)

Just wondering if there is any natural oils or any remedy I could rub into her skin, that wouldn't be harmful for her when she grooms.

Any help?
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Dry skin is possible. Using oils will just make a huge mess with the fur, unless there's a large bald spot and you can apply it directly to the skin. Otherwise, I wouldn't want to apply any oils.

I'd suggest to just keep an eye on it, and if it worsens and there starts to be fur loss that doesn't appear to be normal molting, get your bun checked out. Or if you're unsure or have concerns, consult with your knowledgeable rabbit vet.


Thank you JBun,
yea she has no fur loss at all, it just seems to be a bit of flakey skin, she doesn't seem super bothered with it, she hasn't been itching the area uncontrollably. I'll just keep an eye on it, it is possible its from the super hot weather we have had which is rare for our part of the country.
But I'll keep an eye on her.

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