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Hello everyone! I recently got a bunny (m) 13 weeks old, this is my first time owning a rabbit and the health anxiety is real
. he’s a harlequin lop rabbit, very playful some nights I have to sleep in a different room
I let him free roam my room and I usually would let him free roam during the night as well but he has learnt to jump onto my bed and over his cage I’ve had to add another layer to his cage and shut him in at night which I’m not happy about but I can’t let him take over my room
he’s the sweetest little guy not much into cuddles or petting but on occasion he’ll let me pet him. Ive only had him for a week and he got comfortable very quickly which shocked me! I’m getting him neutered on Thursday which is really worrying me but I know it’s better to have done than not, maybe in the future I’ll think about getting him a friend but for right now I want to get to know him more and bond a lot better. He was doing his potty training amazing for about 3 days
then decided to slack it off and poo and pee everywhere which was great! Hopefully after being neutered he’ll get back on track with it. Overall he has destroyed my tortoise thermometer, my bedside table and a tshirt Which I’m quite proud about as I thought a lot more would be destroyed. (I have not introduced my tortoise with my rabbit as I wouldn’t want any disease to be spread) I wouldn’t mind some tips for making a food schedule and what types of greens are best for him, he is addicted to his pellets I’ve had to cut down on them so he can eat more hay but the hissy fits he throws is crazy
I would love to learn a lot more about rabbits and how to give him the best care. I would upload a photo of him but I’m struggle to figure out how sorry everyone!! Any help is appreciated thank you!