Hi! I have two bunnies both two years old. I thought I had ordered their usual pellet feed (oxbow adult pelleted feed) last week, and I ran out of the feed today and went to check when it would arrive, but never ordered it
It should be coming in 3-4 days.
Their diet is in the morning they get 1/4 cup of pelleted feed and a treat, and lots of hay throughout the day, and in the evening they get a salad, about 1 cup of romaine, and more hay and fresh water at all times.
What should I give them for breakfast instead of pellets, I have a store down the road that carried oxbow feed but its not the same one they are used to. Thank you! <3

Their diet is in the morning they get 1/4 cup of pelleted feed and a treat, and lots of hay throughout the day, and in the evening they get a salad, about 1 cup of romaine, and more hay and fresh water at all times.
What should I give them for breakfast instead of pellets, I have a store down the road that carried oxbow feed but its not the same one they are used to. Thank you! <3