Today is the first morning in 8 years...

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Dec 10, 2014
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... that I woke up to a world without Sage.

My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today.


Sage passed away in my arms at the vet yesterday.

She became partially paralyzed a couple weeks ago due to arthritis in her spine. She'd lost significant muscle mass in the last year and slowed down a lot, but was always in good spirits and enjoyed her peaceful life in a quiet office room to herself. When I found her stuck in her "bed box" (she made sure one litterbox was for using, the other was for sleeping) and hardly able to move her hind legs, I knew it was the beginning of the end. The vet put her on medication to manage her pain and I kept a close eye on her. She would have moments of feeling okay and was eating and drinking well. However, her frustration and confusion with her legs not working right was palpable. Her front legs then began to become affected. She was "drowning" the toys she could reach in her water dish, something she has always done when she became frustrated, and found it too difficult to move away from her own messes or groom herself.

She wanted things to be working differently, she wanted to be able to move around but couldn't.

I made the difficult decision to end her suffering, as quality of life was no longer present and Sage was far too noble to live in such a state.

The house feels so empty without her here. For the first time in 10 years, I do not have a rabbit.

Sage was my dream rabbit. I could hardly believe I'd found a Belgian Hare within driving distance, much less a blue one, when she found me all those years ago.

I am sharing here, because I feel very few people understand what I am going through right now. It's a funny thing... to have such a small animal leave such a massive hole in ones heart. People get so caught up in having cool pets that do things for them... dogs, horses, talking birds... but there is an immensely understated honor in having a quiet companion that is simply there with you as you traverse, stumble, fall, get back up, and continue through the journey of life. Sage was with me through the biggest decade of growth in my life thus far. Sage was with me during painful breakups, several moves, bordering homelessness, betrayals, losing my home and all my possessions in a wildfire, a life altering rollover accident, career changes, the death of a friend, and major personal growth and all that comes with it. Not to mention the incredible things that she herself survived despite my best attempts at protecting her from anything bad.

Sage did not jump in my lap and snuggle me on the nights I felt most alone, she did not wag her tail and drop her toy in front of me to play our way out of the hard times, and she did not deviate from her daily routines for the sake of making me happy. But what Sage did do? She was there. She was there, every single day. Like the prettiest, shiniest gray rock you've ever seen, she was there. She was small, but her heart was a boulder. Sage showed me how to gracefully endure through example. No matter what happened to her or what happened to me, she kept on keeping on. She showed me that you can endure and still go about your business of waking up, grooming yourself, eating, drinking, playing when you can, and absorbing the beautiful light of day every time it shines through your window. Sage always accepted what was without complaint, until the last weeks of her life. The simplest, cheapest little things- some dried cranberries, a sprig of parsley from dinner at a diner, a cardboard box, the broken twig of an apple branch, or a soft carpet to lay on could bring the greatest sense of peace, and if you allow it, joy.

Sage was not the affectionate, needy type. She was dignified and confident within herself. She was not one to lick my tears away, until yesterday. And I will not forget the outpouring of love and appreciation we felt for one another as I held her in my arms and she slipped away. I am heartbroken.

Sage, you were more amazing than I could've ever hoped for. You were the toughest, most beautiful rabbit I have ever met. Thank you, my friend, for the absolute privilege of being your human throughout your life.
I love you then, now, and forever.

I have many photos of Sage over the years, but I hope you enjoy these few collages I put together.

Sage in her youth:


Sage in her prime:


Sage in her senior years:

What a lovely history you two had. We never get enough time with them, but man do the pull us through a lot even if they're not up in our faces about it. I'm sorry for your loss.
Wishing you all the best in mourning and healing.
Every loss leaves a hole in our heart and life--what we are left with is "happy memories" of the best times we had with our companions. Over the years we have lost so many, all rescues from circumstances sometimes not bad, other times very dire. Our last 2 were both scheduled for euthanasia if we had not taken them while others were dumped out like trash. They all became cherished companions whether or not they were "affection" seekers and we miss each and everyone. That's why each year I visit here to commemorate them--as long as I remember them, they are not completely gone from my life. In 2 more days I will be writing again on Peters' page here. We do know what you are going thru and feeling, but, word's are so inadequate--you are both in our thoughts and prayers.
... that I woke up to a world without Sage.

My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today.


Sage passed away in my arms at the vet yesterday.

She became partially paralyzed a couple weeks ago due to arthritis in her spine. She'd lost significant muscle mass in the last year and slowed down a lot, but was always in good spirits and enjoyed her peaceful life in a quiet office room to herself. When I found her stuck in her "bed box" (she made sure one litterbox was for using, the other was for sleeping) and hardly able to move her hind legs, I knew it was the beginning of the end. The vet put her on medication to manage her pain and I kept a close eye on her. She would have moments of feeling okay and was eating and drinking well. However, her frustration and confusion with her legs not working right was palpable. Her front legs then began to become affected. She was "drowning" the toys she could reach in her water dish, something she has always done when she became frustrated, and found it too difficult to move away from her own messes or groom herself.

She wanted things to be working differently, she wanted to be able to move around but couldn't.

I made the difficult decision to end her suffering, as quality of life was no longer present and Sage was far too noble to live in such a state.

The house feels so empty without her here. For the first time in 10 years, I do not have a rabbit.

Sage was my dream rabbit. I could hardly believe I'd found a Belgian Hare within driving distance, much less a blue one, when she found me all those years ago.

I am sharing here, because I feel very few people understand what I am going through right now. It's a funny thing... to have such a small animal leave such a massive hole in ones heart. People get so caught up in having cool pets that do things for them... dogs, horses, talking birds... but there is an immensely understated honor in having a quiet companion that is simply there with you as you traverse, stumble, fall, get back up, and continue through the journey of life. Sage was with me through the biggest decade of growth in my life thus far. Sage was with me during painful breakups, several moves, bordering homelessness, betrayals, losing my home and all my possessions in a wildfire, a life altering rollover accident, career changes, the death of a friend, and major personal growth and all that comes with it. Not to mention the incredible things that she herself survived despite my best attempts at protecting her from anything bad.

Sage did not jump in my lap and snuggle me on the nights I felt most alone, she did not wag her tail and drop her toy in front of me to play our way out of the hard times, and she did not deviate from her daily routines for the sake of making me happy. But what Sage did do? She was there. She was there, every single day. Like the prettiest, shiniest gray rock you've ever seen, she was there. She was small, but her heart was a boulder. Sage showed me how to gracefully endure through example. No matter what happened to her or what happened to me, she kept on keeping on. She showed me that you can endure and still go about your business of waking up, grooming yourself, eating, drinking, playing when you can, and absorbing the beautiful light of day every time it shines through your window. Sage always accepted what was without complaint, until the last weeks of her life. The simplest, cheapest little things- some dried cranberries, a sprig of parsley from dinner at a diner, a cardboard box, the broken twig of an apple branch, or a soft carpet to lay on could bring the greatest sense of peace, and if you allow it, joy.

Sage was not the affectionate, needy type. She was dignified and confident within herself. She was not one to lick my tears away, until yesterday. And I will not forget the outpouring of love and appreciation we felt for one another as I held her in my arms and she slipped away. I am heartbroken.

Sage, you were more amazing than I could've ever hoped for. You were the toughest, most beautiful rabbit I have ever met. Thank you, my friend, for the absolute privilege of being your human throughout your life.
I love you then, now, and forever.

I have many photos of Sage over the years, but I hope you enjoy these few collages I put together.

Sage in her youth:

View attachment 66072

Sage in her prime:

View attachment 66073

Sage in her senior years:

View attachment 66074
Oh my goodness! I can’t stop crying! I am grieving with you and I feel your pain and loss! I’m so sorry you lost your precious Sage! She sounds so wonderful and I’m so happy you had her in your life and she had you! She was truly loved! I only have Minx…my one and only precious bun and I love her so much! I fear the day she will have to leave me 💔❤️‍🩹
My prayers are with you🙏🙏🙏❤️💔
So sorry. What a beautiful baby. She was loved and you can tell. They do steal our hearts. I had two pass that I absolutely adored (and vice versa)--one was twelve and the other six years old. I know what you mean, about them being there through all the tough times and how close it makes you feel to them.

Praying for you during this sad time.
... that I woke up to a world without Sage.

My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today.


Sage passed away in my arms at the vet yesterday.

She became partially paralyzed a couple weeks ago due to arthritis in her spine. She'd lost significant muscle mass in the last year and slowed down a lot, but was always in good spirits and enjoyed her peaceful life in a quiet office room to herself. When I found her stuck in her "bed box" (she made sure one litterbox was for using, the other was for sleeping) and hardly able to move her hind legs, I knew it was the beginning of the end. The vet put her on medication to manage her pain and I kept a close eye on her. She would have moments of feeling okay and was eating and drinking well. However, her frustration and confusion with her legs not working right was palpable. Her front legs then began to become affected. She was "drowning" the toys she could reach in her water dish, something she has always done when she became frustrated, and found it too difficult to move away from her own messes or groom herself.

She wanted things to be working differently, she wanted to be able to move around but couldn't.

I made the difficult decision to end her suffering, as quality of life was no longer present and Sage was far too noble to live in such a state.

The house feels so empty without her here. For the first time in 10 years, I do not have a rabbit.

Sage was my dream rabbit. I could hardly believe I'd found a Belgian Hare within driving distance, much less a blue one, when she found me all those years ago.

I am sharing here, because I feel very few people understand what I am going through right now. It's a funny thing... to have such a small animal leave such a massive hole in ones heart. People get so caught up in having cool pets that do things for them... dogs, horses, talking birds... but there is an immensely understated honor in having a quiet companion that is simply there with you as you traverse, stumble, fall, get back up, and continue through the journey of life. Sage was with me through the biggest decade of growth in my life thus far. Sage was with me during painful breakups, several moves, bordering homelessness, betrayals, losing my home and all my possessions in a wildfire, a life altering rollover accident, career changes, the death of a friend, and major personal growth and all that comes with it. Not to mention the incredible things that she herself survived despite my best attempts at protecting her from anything bad.

Sage did not jump in my lap and snuggle me on the nights I felt most alone, she did not wag her tail and drop her toy in front of me to play our way out of the hard times, and she did not deviate from her daily routines for the sake of making me happy. But what Sage did do? She was there. She was there, every single day. Like the prettiest, shiniest gray rock you've ever seen, she was there. She was small, but her heart was a boulder. Sage showed me how to gracefully endure through example. No matter what happened to her or what happened to me, she kept on keeping on. She showed me that you can endure and still go about your business of waking up, grooming yourself, eating, drinking, playing when you can, and absorbing the beautiful light of day every time it shines through your window. Sage always accepted what was without complaint, until the last weeks of her life. The simplest, cheapest little things- some dried cranberries, a sprig of parsley from dinner at a diner, a cardboard box, the broken twig of an apple branch, or a soft carpet to lay on could bring the greatest sense of peace, and if you allow it, joy.

Sage was not the affectionate, needy type. She was dignified and confident within herself. She was not one to lick my tears away, until yesterday. And I will not forget the outpouring of love and appreciation we felt for one another as I held her in my arms and she slipped away. I am heartbroken.

Sage, you were more amazing than I could've ever hoped for. You were the toughest, most beautiful rabbit I have ever met. Thank you, my friend, for the absolute privilege of being your human throughout your life.
I love you then, now, and forever.

I have many photos of Sage over the years, but I hope you enjoy these few collages I put together.

Sage in her youth:

View attachment 66072

Sage in her prime:

View attachment 66073

Sage in her senior years:

View attachment 66074
What a lovely tribute to a remarkably beautiful rabbit. It is hard to share with most people. Unless you have had the privilege of loving a rabbit and having them in your daily life....
I am a first time rabbit owner and I am 63 years old. I had no idea these creatures were so incredibly intelligent and able to communicate their feelings so well. I extend heart felt condolences for your loss. May God keep you until the joy of the memories will be stronger than the grief of your loss.
Thank you all for the kind words. It's comforting to know that I am not so alone in my grief over a "pocket pet".

I still find myself opening the office door to talk to and visit with Sage, finding only the empty pen. I just don't have the heart to disassemble it yet.

Going through old pictures felt heavy, until I came across this one which made me laugh- Sage and her predeceased companion, Breezy, in their younger years after "redecorating" their house 😆


  • Sage and Breezy 2016.jpg
    Sage and Breezy 2016.jpg
    153.2 KB
Merry Christmas my girl. I miss you all the time, even though you are everywhere and all around me. First Christmas in a while without you here Sagey... I hope you and Breezy have found each other, wherever you are.

I miss listening to the rain with you on a grey day in the study, hanging out on the floor, or gaming on the computer with you cruising around my feet. Cherished memories. Life is different now, but it is okay. I kept telling myself that I was going to take you to a field of flowers and do another photoshoot as you aged, but I never did. I regret that so much. Thankfully the image of you remains vibrant in my mind and heart. Love you girly, until next time. ❤️🎄❄️🐰🌈🐾
Memories are a great way to keep them in our life, even though it does dredge up a lot of sadness, but they do put a smile on my lips when I think of the good times we had together. We have not acquired any bunnies in a couple of years but we do have 2 Great Dane puppies, 8 months old and above 140 pounds--they still act like puppies even though they are gigantic and they will be our last set of dogs as our age will probably not allow another set--our daughter may end up with them when we leave this mortal vale.