Cosmo is gone, rest in peace my little man.

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Jul 1, 2007
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Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Another sad day here--took Cosmo on his last trip to the Vet's. He hasn't been using his back legs too well for a couple of weeks and the last few days we could tell he was miserable. He came to us from N Calif via "Operation Roger". He'd been adopted out 3 times in Auburn, Ca., but brought back as he learned to bite to be left alone--biting with bleeding, not just nipping. I've always said that you need to train your bunny or your bunny will train you. He only bit me and drew blood one time and I treated him like an Alpha rabbit would--he never bit anyone again and became a happy, loving little bunny and was with us for a little more than 10 years. Nancy brought him home and I buried him in the yard today as this is his home and we want him near us til we are with him and all our other fur-babies. Goodbye my little man, we all will miss you so much. There are a couple of pics of him from 10 years ago in "Rescued male bun seeking home, Northern California" from just before he came to us.
It is such a hard thing to say goodbye to a friend that's been with you for a decade, but it was the right decision, even though it is such a hard and painful one to have to make. On a happier note, went over to a rescue and adopted 2 new bunnies--they are so cute. When our tech support comes next week (our son), I'll post some pics of the 2 new boys
Another sad day here--took Cosmo on his last trip to the Vet's. He hasn't been using his back legs too well for a couple of weeks and the last few days we could tell he was miserable. He came to us from N Calif via "Operation Roger". He'd been adopted out 3 times in Auburn, Ca., but brought back as he learned to bite to be left alone--biting with bleeding, not just nipping. I've always said that you need to train your bunny or your bunny will train you. He only bit me and drew blood one time and I treated him like an Alpha rabbit would--he never bit anyone again and became a happy, loving little bunny and was with us for a little more than 10 years. Nancy brought him home and I buried him in the yard today as this is his home and we want him near us til we are with him and all our other fur-babies. Goodbye my little man, we all will miss you so much. There are a couple of pics of him from 10 years ago in "Rescued male bun seeking home, Northern California" from just before he came to us.
🐇 You gave him a good life for 10 amazing years.
I'm sorry for your "loss" but, it is only "goodbye for now" until you meet again.
I'd been told before, that even the right decisions hurt when they're really needed. You gave Cosmo a wonderful existence that many a bun will never get the chance to know. It's only fair that you be proud of all the buns that have turned over a new leaf and had a brilliant life in your care. He will wait and watch over you as you continue to provide for other buns in need, until the time when you can be reunited. It would be a blissful sight to see, having a literal horde of rabbits, all of whom you've given love in your life, greet you on the other side. Before that time comes, let's all hope there will be plenty more rabbits who can be showered with your love, and best of luck with the two new adoptees!
Hi buddy, still think of you a lot and miss your cute little face. Noodle is about your size now and just as playful. I've always been amazed at how great our rescues have turned out in spite of having such a hard start in life--bunnies are amazing!
What a loving thing to do for your beloved bunny.
Doesn't make it any easier I know

Thankyou for all you do for rabbits.
Thankyou for your online presence. Your wisdom and responses are much appreciated.
Hard to believe you've been gone for a month--still miss you my old man. Taco and Noodle are doing great and Nick is now our big boy even though he's half your size. Bye for now.
So sorry…still brings tears to my eyes…these are so hard to read…can’t imagine how you go through this! Can’t imagine losing Minx💔❤️‍🩹❤️❤️

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