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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. TreasuredFriend

    New Member - saying HI

    @Susan Simpson , On Facebook another rescue group in FL, USA, East Coast Rabbit Rescue, captured an abandoned rabbit that was covered in ticks! Disgusting to see. The rescued bun can now get medical help. Hence, I ask the Q about parasites or predators you have to watch for? Taking care of...
  2. TreasuredFriend

    New Member - saying HI

    Pipp, Well-known member joined in 2005. Vancouver, BC, Canada resident with focus on Rescue and Education. Sorelle logged a volume/informal "bible so to say" of educational notes along with photos. New members can search her entries if time allows. @Nancy McClelland, You and I are both...
  3. TreasuredFriend

    New Member - saying HI

    Hello @Susan Simpson , I'm a dinosaur member of RO. I recall Pipp (another vintage member) being active on this forum decades ago. I hope you enjoy browsing here and are able to share images of Bing and Bindi. I am from Midwest USA and socialized with shelter rabbits for years. Pipp...
  4. TreasuredFriend

    Identifying rabbit in yard

    From far away, that bun looks chubby. Unlike the brown & white cottontail in a s.e. Wisconsin backyard.
  5. TreasuredFriend

    Identifying rabbit in yard
  6. TreasuredFriend

    Picking up my rabbit questions

    I am currently watching two dwarfs who got spayed today. Foster Mom gave them a large exercise pen area since transitioning both girls from a student who didn't want 'em any more. Pet store purchase. Translate: small cages, not much exercise time out of cage at the teenager's home. One gal...
  7. TreasuredFriend

    Picking up my rabbit questions

    I firmly feel the more she establishes trust with you, @cbun , and the more attempts you make to do a cuddle hold, even briefly, she will mellow as she matures and accept handling more readily. Amazing how they show their personalities (being upset, scared, or annoyed) and to thump disapproval...
  8. TreasuredFriend

    Picking up my rabbit questions

    @cbun please keep us posted on progress. 'Tis a very sweet picture of your daughter petting your lionhead lady. Your bun has luxury surroundings.
  9. TreasuredFriend

    New member

    Sorry @JBun that I confused you gals. I adore all the info that Janet has created on her Blue Eyes website.
  10. TreasuredFriend

    Picking up my rabbit questions

    Our Flemmie came from a backyard breeder and had a horrible past. He disliked being picked up for many years. He has acclimated because he needs to receive Furosemide with his meloxicam.
  11. TreasuredFriend

    Picking up my rabbit questions

    @cbun, I will contribute my personal experiences with bunnies acclimating to being held in a short time. For a quick note now, nearly ALL of our house buns see the k/cab carrier and immediately associate that with "vet trip." They hear the handle move, see the carrier, and their brain...
  12. TreasuredFriend

    New member

    I'm only familiar with rescue activities of unwanted or abandoned rabbits. People get them quickly and later lose interest. As @cbun from Illinois mentioned, you can find more info at different sections of this group. My rescued dutch man, we've had several dutches through the years, just...
  13. TreasuredFriend

    How to care for older & mature rabbit

    @Darojati , Thank you for sharing photos of your cherished Pochi. She is fortunate you care for her and want her to live her happiest & healthiest in her senior years. It's comforting you care so deeply and take her for lop-prone teeth trimming. Additionally, Pochi has two comfort bondmates...
  14. TreasuredFriend

    How to care for older & mature rabbit

    Notes from Mindy's go-to DVM in case this helps as bun parents care for their elders: ASSESSMENT SECTION NOTES - Severe spinal arthritis with compressed disc spaces at thoracolumbar junction, suspected teeth grinding due to discomfort, unable to scratch ear, to move leg up to ear, suspect...
  15. TreasuredFriend

    How to care for older & mature rabbit

    Our 4.4 lb. harlequin Mindy is now over 12 y.o. according to shelter info (when surrendered). She was spayed at age 7 months after transitioning to our home. She is diagnosed with spinal disc disease. She receives Gabapentin and meloxicam, a healthy diet, and Oxbow Joint Support tabs. We...