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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. R

    Can escape playpen- how to stop?

    I keep my rabbit in a sizeable playpen. He also gets time out each day to free roam/play. We put those puzzle mats used for toddlers clothes-pinned to the top of his pen. When he wants, he pulls the pins down and then jumps out. He has plenty of toys and is neutered, 24/7 access to hay. He...
  2. R

    Smoky and Lop (Coming Soon).

    Hey all! I worked at PetSmart for over a year and during that time a local rescue got a Critter Nation-esque cage put in our store for adoptable animals, mostly older guinea pigs. One day they set up an exercise pen of young rabbits and the woman noticed me looking and asked if I would like...
  3. R

    It needs to be October..

    I put a deposit down on a well-regarded local breeder for a Holland Lop. The litter they have now will be ready October 5th. Kits are too small to know genders at the moment. I thought that the time would fly by. Not! I wish I could press a fast forward button. I saw that they had pictures...
  4. R

    Buying Breeding Pair?

    Hey all, I'm a ways away from breeding but I'm curious what the etiquette is. When you buy your buck and doe, is it good form to tell the breeder you want to breed? Or does it not matter? In some animals the usual practice is to have seperate fees for pet animals and animals that will be used...
  5. R

    Digging and nipping at loose clothing?

    When my rabbit seems to be amenable to cuddles, I hold and pet him. Often he seems content and will click his teeth, which I read is a good sign. However he will often start "digging" with his paws at my loose tops and gently nip at the excess parts. I'm not that concerned about the tops, but...