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  1. Pumpkin

    Need Help Bonding

    Thank you!! Yeah I'm really hoping he'll start mirroring her excitement. I've been having them eat all their meals right next to each other and gave been swapping scents, but I'll definitely be holding off on the bunny dates because turns out she came with ear mites and the vet has me treating...
  2. Pumpkin

    Need Help Bonding

    Here's a video if you care to watch. I've never seen her do binkies in my room before so she must really like him if shes doing it now. But he's being so unfriendly😭
  3. Pumpkin

    Need Help Bonding

    Update: Pebbles got much more comfortable in her pen in my room (eating and pooping normally, accepting pets, and flopping) so I moved her pen downstairs where Pumpkin free roams. When he first realized she was in his room he thumped and ran away. Then an hour later after many consoling pets he...
  4. Pumpkin

    Need Help Bonding

    Awesome that sounds Ike a great idea! I'll definitely be trying that out when Pebbles is ready
  5. Pumpkin

    Need Help Bonding

    Thank you!! That sounds good I'll let pebbles get accustomed to her life here first before introducing them again👍👍 She just had some really mooshy poops overnight (and not in her litterbox) and I figure it must be from the stress of the move so I think waiting will definitely be for the best...
  6. Pumpkin

    Need Help Bonding

    here is a picture of them two
  7. Pumpkin

    Need Help Bonding

    So I'm trying to bond two rabbits and I figured I'd shoot a question in here. My situation is: 1. Pumpkin (5 years old) has lived free roam in my house for 5 years and never really met another rabbit before 2. Pebbles (2 years old) I just adopted yesterday lived her whole life at a rescue. Their...
  8. Pumpkin

    The ban game

    I ban you for having a chickentar!
  9. Pumpkin

    Peanuts Place ~ A Bunny Blog

    Aw so cute. I'm glad he isn't holding a grudge lol. Pumpkin likes to sulk when he gets back from the vet.
  10. Pumpkin

    Why does my rabbit dig at me?

    If I lay on the floor in Pumpkin's room, he'll jump on my back and dig like crazy😂! He's like, "you're too big to lay down! GET UP😤"
  11. Pumpkin

    My Rabbits Neuter Is Tomorrow, any advice?

    After Pumpkin got neutered, he was very sulky and tired and sat in his hidey house for the rest of the day. But he was eating food from my hand so that was good. Give him lots of pets afterwards to show him you love❤. Some problems I noticed was that he didn't want to take his medicine from the...
  12. Pumpkin

    Peanuts Place ~ A Bunny Blog

    The bathroom probably wouldn't be ideal for keeping him in 24/7, but letting him run around in there every now and then would be good for his mental health since it's very stimulating for bunnies to explore new areas. Not too sure what humidity bunnies should be kept at but sudden changes...
  13. Pumpkin

    Peanuts Place ~ A Bunny Blog

    If you want to permanently cover the entire bathroom floor with a grippy surface then you can use puzzle mats, a rug, or some yoga mats. If you use puzzle mats or yoga mats, then you'll probably want to cover them up with some spare bed sheets to discourage him from chewing them. But what I...
  14. Pumpkin

    Peanuts Place ~ A Bunny Blog

    When I would keep pumpkin in his pen at night, he would go completely insane. sometimes hurtling his body against the pen to escape. I couldn't bare to watch him go through that anymore so now he has access to one of the rooms in our house 24/7 which we named the "bunny room" since he completely...
  15. Pumpkin

    Bunny chat

    @Catlyn Hi, this is Pumpkin's dad speaking to Storm's mom. I have the same problem as you. My parents love feeding him too many treats and most of the time I have to take them away. So now Pumpkin runs away and hides to eat anything that's given to him and people act like that's my fault...