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  1. O

    Today is the first morning in 8 years...

    Sending you hugs. May your New Year be bright in new ways and you're heart full with memories and lots of room for future happiness.
  2. O

    Cosmo passed away last night.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. He was very lucky to have found you!
  3. O

    Peppermint Tea

    My bunny and I share a cup of cooled down peppermint tea every night. She loves it
  4. O

    I lost a pet rabbit to a fox -- question to others who have gone through this experience

    I'm so sorry for your loss! I have a friend who has created above-ground tunnels out of chicken wire to allow her chickens to go from one area of her yard to another safely. She has a big hutch area that's covered and another area she calls "Central Park" that's also covered. And the chickens...
  5. O

    Dang, now I have to cage them all ....

    I've found this fencing method really helpful for protecting my veggie garden.. I use it against wood chucks but it should work for bunnies as well.
  6. O

    Water: reverse osmosis vs well water

    Our county offers low-cost water testing to residents, which I've used when moving into a new place. Might be worth checking into.
  7. O

    Hay feeder

    After lots of trial and error I ended up leaving my bunny's cage in the living room with the door open as a feeding station. I put a big doormat over it to make it more of a hidey place for her and less ugly for us. For her hay feeder, I use a plastic dishpan for litter and a dollar store...
  8. O

    My Bun has died

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I haven't ever seen my bunny disturbed by thunder but she will suddenly react to things in the environment (maybe sounds or smells) that are completely imperceptible to me. Whatever it was, so sorry. Sending hugs.
  9. O

    So long my big "Old Man"

    Oh, so sorry! Hang in there ...
  10. O

    Rabbit hemorrhagic disease

    Yes! I live in Westchester County (NY) and my bunny has been getting annual RHDV2 vaccinations for the past 3 years. Even tho she's an indoor bun, I don't want to take any chances because you never know what you're bringing into the house on your shoes, or even potentially in hay, etc. State...
  11. O

    Cilantro as an appetite enhancer?

    My bunny adores cilantro! She started eating a lot more hay when I reduced her pellets. She gets 2 tablespoons twice a day.
  12. O

    Are there any water bottles that don't excessively leak?

    This one works perfectly for my bunny: PetSafe Healthy Pet Water Station - Small, 64 oz Capacity
  13. O

    Neem Oil

    I don't use neem oil on anything we're going to eat. I've heard the same suggestion about just using a strong water sprayer.
  14. O

    Rabbit keeps having bloat/GI issues

    Just be sure it's not the caffeinated kind ⚡
  15. O

    Rabbit keeps having bloat/GI issues

    I do think having GI issues are a bit the luck of the draw, as they are for people. That said, after changing my current bunny's diet 2 years ago she's never had another bout of stasis, so diet can make a huge difference. We changed to a higher quality pellet (Versele Laga complete), and...