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  1. majorv

    I Don't Neuter or Spay My Pets

    My perspective is a little different too. My daughter and I raised and showed rabbits for 9 years. We couldn’t spay/neuter, but even the couple of retired show rabbits we kept as pets were not fixed. We did have one doe that went hormonal and never got better. We had one buck who liked to...
  2. majorv

    Polish or netherland dwarf for new 4her

    I used to raise and show Polish and they are one of the easiest breeds to handle. Dwarfs can be a handful and since your daughter is only 5 I think a Polish would be easier for her. They are typically more docile and make a good choice for beginners to show.
  3. majorv

    dead babies

    If your brother has problems with this new buck then it could well be the buck. If he doesn’t, and it’s just you, then it may be that those two lines do not work well together. If that’s the case, then you could try that breeding again to confirm, or go back to using the 1st buck. In any case...
  4. majorv

    dead babies

    We had a few does who had stillborns, but generally not the whole litter. I, too, would count it as strike one. It might be her, but if you used a different buck this time, it might be him. Try again later and see.
  5. majorv

    Breed question

    Then they could be a mix of Holland and mini. In mini lops, seniors (ie 6 months & older) are 4-6 lbs.
  6. majorv

    Breed question

    It would help to know how old they are and what their weights are. The first two look like they’re possibly mini lop, depending on their weight.
  7. majorv

    New Zealand or Flemish ?

    Posting pictures would help, but it will become obvious as it grows.
  8. majorv

    What can I do to fill in the loin on a 3 month old mini lop buck?

    I never raised mini lops but did raise Polish. I don’t think there is much you can do about improving his loin at this point. It’s important to select a doe and/or buck as breeding stock with those qualities because they will be passed to the offspring. So, if it were me I’d evaluate the parents...
  9. majorv

    New Zealand rabbit cage?

    Rabbits can serve different purposes. I agree with the others regarding pet rabbits. If the OP wants to raise rabbits for meat or show, then it can be a different story. I agree that being contentious here won’t get you very far. I suggest another board, like Rabbit Talk, if you want rabbits for...
  10. majorv

    3 Week Old Kit Failure to Thrive

    Sometimes it’s best to let nature take its course. Failure to thrive usually ends in death, or health issues that don’t give it a good quality of life. JMO after 8 years of breeding & showing rabbits.
  11. majorv

    getting started on show rabbit breeding for 4-H?

    Have you researched the breeds you’re interested in? There are a lot of breeders doing Hollands so it would be easier to find a trio, but good quality can be expensive. Angoras are a more high maintenance breed because of their hair. I would suggest you go to the ARBA website and look for rabbit...
  12. majorv

    Baby Bunny bloat?

    The unfortunate thing about raising kits is that sometimes they don’t make it, and with enteritis in ones that young there isn’t much a vet can do anyway. We lost a few to enteritis and everything we tried didn’t change the outcome. 😕
  13. majorv

    Mixed breeds?

    I still think the white one is New Zealand or NZ mix. Based on the video @Blue eyes posted (Thank you!) showing all the broken varieties other than English Spot I’m thinking Havana or Satin mix. The video gives max weight of each purebred breed. If your rabbit is a mix of breeds then the weight...
  14. majorv

    Mixed breeds?

    Do you have weights on either one of them, and an approximate age? Without knowing that, the white one may be a New Zealand. The broken doesn’t have the body structure for a Spot. So many breeds come in the broken variety that my daughter (@woahlookitsme) did a video of it and posted it here...
  15. majorv

    Possible peanut baby? Please help!

    I agree with @Preitler that this is a runt. We dealt with peanuts when we bred Polish and they rarely live past 2 weeks. They also look a bit different.