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  1. LolaE

    Re-bonding rabbits

    Hello. Thanks in advance to anyone who has some advice/experience with this issue! I have a pair of rabbits (Netherland dwarf): male + female, 3 years old, and they've known each other most of their lives (not siblings, but same age). I went through the whole bonding process, which seemed to...
  2. LolaE

    Help! Rabbit not eating

    Hello, and thanks for your thorough questions. There was no sedation at the vet. Intestinal blockage was kind of ruled out, in so far as they said there were no signs of a blockage in her glucose levels. I think they did some blood tests, but no scans yet; they said if she's still not better...
  3. LolaE

    Help! Rabbit not eating

    If it is just stress that is causing this, and not some other health condition (the vets can't seem to find one), what is the best course of action? Do I just keep syringe feeding her until it passes? Thanks.
  4. LolaE

    Help! Rabbit not eating

    Hello, and thank you for your reply. No changes to her environment, although we are moving into summer here so it is getting warmer (but not too warm yet--17C/63F here today). I did wonder if she could have ingested some of her fur from molting--I have been trying to keep on top of grooming...
  5. LolaE

    Help! Rabbit not eating

    Hello. My rabbit (Netherland dwarf female, 2.5 years old) has not been eating for days--I have taken her to the vet twice, once a few days ago and again today. Both visits they did a full examination, checked teeth, glucose levels, etc., and found nothing wrong with her. I have been syringe...
  6. LolaE

    Need advice badly - houdini bunny

    Hello. Just wondering, is there any way you could consider housing her outside? Might be tricky, since she sounds like a bit of a Houdini, but it might give her room to jump/chew/destroy to her heart's content, all in a natural setting with no threat to your things. Otherwise, when it comes to...
  7. LolaE

    Drusilla bit Onyx

    Oh, and I almost forgot, with regard to the bald/balding patches--he also has these two spots, one on each of his back heels, that look like they're thinning, and one even looks a little pink/red. He had one of these several months ago, and I was worried about him developing sore hocks, but then...
  8. LolaE

    Drusilla bit Onyx

    Thanks! Glad to have that input. It's looking okay, seems to be healing fine. They haven't had any more scuffles since. On another note, Onyx also has a couple patches where his fur is either very thin or even bald (in particular, on the tops of his feet/toes, in the soft spot behind his...
  9. LolaE


    I didn't go on an extended trip, but after Drusilla was spayed, we had to have some work done on the house so I took her out for the day a couple days in a row. This was maybe three or four days after she was spayed--she was still recovering, but eating more, and showed definite signs of...
  10. LolaE

    Drusilla bit Onyx

    Hello everyone. Yesterday Drusilla and Onyx had a little scuffle. They've had a couple since her spay, maybe three in the last three or four weeks--all pretty minor and short-lived, except for yesterday's, which seemed a little more aggravated. Last night, I noticed Onyx has a fairly...
  11. LolaE

    concerned or not?

    What a funny little dance! I'm with "poohlean" here: why do they do that? Bananas for bananas. I've never fed my bunnies bananas, but now I'll have to try a small amount to see how they respond...
  12. LolaE

    My rabbits!

    Gosh, they are very cute! Those close-ups of their little faces are so adorable. 🐇 🥰
  13. LolaE

    concerned or not?

    Sorry, I have to ask--what is the infamous banana butt twitch? 🤔
  14. LolaE


    I haven't heard of a vet suggest pain medication is bad for rabbits after surgery--females especially need it, since it's quite a big operation. Keep in mind, though, that receptionists most often deal with cats and dogs, so their advice doesn't always apply to rabbits. Did you have any...
  15. LolaE

    Jump on cheeky boy

    I'm sorry to hear about you losing your boy Toste. At least he was much loved and his four years were as full of joy and affection as could be. I hope Fenris is doing alright without her friend. 😢