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  1. L

    Any idea what this is?

    Thank you for the transparency and you’re absolutely right. I think I’ll observe her for another day and then decide. thank you once again! You’ve been a great help!
  2. L

    Any idea what this is?

    I think these medicines should be available. Are they injectable or given orally? And would you still advise I use them given my rabbit is active, eating and pooping normally and not sneezing? Or would you advise I wait a few more days and monitor her symptoms? I mean, if I give her these meds...
  3. L

    Any idea what this is?

    Thank you for the detailed response. Unfortunately a rabbit savvy vet in my city is impossible to find. A lot of them claim to treat rabbits but I don’t find them reassuring. I guess I could try and take her to one but he might just make things worse. What if i start her on treatment without...
  4. L

    Any idea what this is?

    Hey, so I started this post back in September 2024. My bunny didn’t have any other noticeable symptoms so I forgot about the white discharge. I didn’t really see it after that either. However just now she was eating a yellow pepper and I was filming her and I noticed white discharge spray out of...
  5. L

    Any idea what this is?

    Thanks for your reply, if it’s from the nose wouldn’t she be sneezing as well? I’ve not seen or heard her sneeze at all. I’ll try to take a photo of the substance next time it happens and send it to my vet and share it here
  6. L

    Any idea what this is?

    Hi all, my female Holland lop who is 1.5 years old is secreting some sort of milky substance, but from where I don’t know. I have seen it a few times over the course of a few weeks. I assumed it was drops of her calcium in her pee as she is not spayed and sometimes pees tiny drops on surfaces...
  7. L

    Rabbit eating poop (actual poop, not cecotropes)

    I know some dogs eat their poop too so I suppose it’s just an animal thing! Thanks for your responses! :)
  8. L

    Rabbit eating poop (actual poop, not cecotropes)

    She didn’t leave any more ceco’s after I cut down the pellets and fruit. I’m confused though, I’m not even giving her the amount of pellets that the pack recommends should be given according to the bunny’s weight. I was aware that bunnies stop eating hay as they prefer pellets which is why I was...
  9. L

    Rabbit eating poop (actual poop, not cecotropes)

    Yes it wasn’t anything like a pinworm. Bunny berries? No I’m not talking about my bunny eating cecotropes. I’m talking about the actual poop the round one 😅
  10. L

    Rabbit eating poop (actual poop, not cecotropes)

    Hello, just an update: I inspected my rabbits poop very carefully with my phone’s torch. I saw an ant like bug crawling on it. It wasn’t white. Just brown like an ant but not quite an ant either. It was just crawling on the surface of ONE poo. I saw another one on the floor and not on the poop...
  11. L

    Rabbit eating poop (actual poop, not cecotropes)

    Since the last 3-4 days I noticed my 1+ year old female Holland lop (unspayed) smelling and licking and then eventually eating her poop. It’s not ceco’s, it’s the actual poop. She hasn’t done this before. She is very territorial and since she’s not fixed could that be the reason? Or is it a sign...
  12. L

    Are my bunny’s eyes normal?

    Thank you for explaining!!
  13. L

    Are my bunny’s eyes normal?

    So I noticed ever since the day I got her she has hard very sparkly eyes. They’re not weepy, she has no other symptoms but they seem a little wet near the lower lid. The vet said don’t worry about it if there’s no discharge or redness etc. I’m attaching photos for you to see. I also want to...
  14. L

    Apple Cider Vinegar for rabbits?

    I had another question about sore hocks, wondering if you can help. To my utter horror I’ve discovered my bun has tiny sores on her feet 😭. Just when you think you’re taking great care of your rabbit ☹️😞.. long story short I use soft straw hay for bedding, with a pee pad placed under, however...
  15. L

    Apple Cider Vinegar for rabbits?

    What problem did you start using it for?