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  1. lilnaugrim

    4hr car ride with bunny, help!

    I just drove 10 hours with my bunny in a move. He only ate a little bit of leafy greens when we stopped for breakfast for a longer period but otherwise, stayed still. So I doubt he'll even want to drink let alone eat. The best thing we did was putting a blanket over most of his cage and I also...
  2. lilnaugrim

    Wiki Rabbit (formerly Remington)

    Been a while again lol. Wiki's calmed down quite a bit now that it's officially been 1 year from his neuter. I've just found Cookie Dough a home! She'll be leaving Saturday morning at 10am. I'm moving to Norfolk, VA in just two weeks so I needed to find her a new home. She and Wiki never got...
  3. lilnaugrim

    What do rabbits go crazy for?

    I was wrong on the oxelates, it has been proven to have low quantities (100 grams of kale contains only 20 mg of oxalic acid, 100 grams of spinach contains 970 mgs of oxalic acid <-- from the US Department of Agricultural study). However it's still not good to feed daily, it can still cause...
  4. lilnaugrim

    What do rabbits go crazy for?

    Rabbits should be mostly on greens versus veggies ^_^ So carrot, because it's high in sugar should only be fed maybe once a week or less, only the size of a baby carrot typically. So go for things like Chicory, romaine, escarole, green leaf lettuce. Iceburg as we all know, really lacks nutrients...
  5. lilnaugrim

    Rabbit won't let me clip his nails.

    One thing that I was taught to do by a dog trainer was to, every day touch Wiki's paws and pet them. If he stayed and did good, he gets a treat. Wiki is VERY treat motivated though. But by touching his paws daily, it's trained him to know that something good is coming of it. Also clipping...
  6. lilnaugrim

    Lazy or ill?

    That's what I thought, thanks JBun ^_^
  7. lilnaugrim

    Lazy or ill?

    Hey all, So my English Lop is 2 years old, Wiki. I personally think hes just being lazy with the summer but my friend thinks there is something more. Shes kept rabbits before and has studied for vet tech but honestly, I know more about rabbits than she does (she warned me not to get another one...
  8. lilnaugrim

    Thinking of getting a new bunny after my bunny passed away!

    As everyone has mentioned, you aren't replacing Bella, you're only providing a wonderful home for a new bunny that needs it!
  9. lilnaugrim

    Wiki Rabbit (formerly Remington)

    Um, thanks. Wiki does have a cage that he sleeps in for the night but it's a large 3 foot one. But he stays out during the day. Cookie Dough has to stay in her cage all day since I can't trust her yet and she surely won't bond with Wiki for quite some time. I never said I was going to take...
  10. lilnaugrim

    Wiki Rabbit (formerly Remington)

    Had a bit of a mishap today when I got home. Got home to the first cut picture and I was praying, oh please let them be in love. Turned out he was just guarding his territory. I made the rookie mistake of letting her out near me. Wiki was eating so I figured hed be preoccupied for a bit. He...
  11. lilnaugrim

    Breed and Coloration? Rhinerland Lionhead?

    Some more pictures of her. Shes definitely overweight for her structure. She does have the cheek spot on her left side but not right. Her pattern is muddled but definitely a Rhinelander somewhere in her gene pool as well as lionhead.
  12. lilnaugrim

    Meet Gabby!

    Beautiful! My English Lop, Wiki, says hello!
  13. lilnaugrim

    Breed and Coloration? Rhinerland Lionhead?

    Yes thank you! Ah, I should add pics of an actual Rhinelander since I think they aren't as common!
  14. lilnaugrim

    Wiki Rabbit (formerly Remington)

    Thank you!
  15. lilnaugrim

    Breed and Coloration? Rhinerland Lionhead?

    Hey all! Just picked up a new bunny for my boy (both fixed, intend to bond when she settles in). She eat given to me as an English Spot which I know for damn, isnt true haha. I've done some color research and have a possible breed/color but wanted to get some second opinions as well...