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  • JBun
    JBun replied to the thread disabled bun need some advice.
    I think probably because the body stops being able to stimulate the GI tract while on the gut motility med. And I think maybe, the...
  • JBun
    JBun reacted to Blue eyes's post in the thread Getting a dog with free roam rabbits with Like Like.
    As Preitler mentioned, the goal is for the dog to understand that the rabbit is part of the family/home. So basically it's a matter of...
  • JBun
    JBun reacted to Preitler's post in the thread Getting a dog with free roam rabbits with Like Like.
    Doesn't sound like prey drive to me, but kind of herding drive, overexitement or social quirks. I had three dogs here over the years...
  • JBun
    JBun replied to the thread Staphylococcus aureus.
    I don't really know much about it as there's limited info on it with rabbits, and even more limited with chloramphenicol treatment. But...
  • JBun
    JBun reacted to Preitler's post in the thread Baby bunny 16 days old with Like Like.
    Yes. Being active is always a good sign.
  • JBun
    JBun reacted to Preitler's post in the thread Baby bunny 16 days old with Like Like.
    Imo, at that age it would be best to not put them here and there, but arrange the nest so they can easily get in and out. And make sure...
  • JBun
    JBun reacted to Orrin's post in the thread My rabbits are a state with Like Like.
    One of our six rabbits would have one episode of poopy-butt after the other. We switched to timothy-based pellets (instead of...
  • JBun
    I'm glad her surgery went well. The gut imbalance might have to do with the meds she's on and not the surgery. Particularly the...
  • JBun
    JBun replied to the thread My rabbits are a state.
    It usually takes much longer than a few days of being off a triggering food, for gut microflora to return to normal. Especially if...
  • JBun
    JBun reacted to Diane R's post in the thread My rabbits are a state with Like Like.
    I would never say you are ridiculous! I have lived with house rabbits for 25 years and I still find it very hard. They are really...
  • JBun
    JBun reacted to Diane R's post in the thread My rabbits are a state with Like Like.
    Vicious cycle, get fat, less inclined to exercise, get fatter,... They don't need more than 1 tbsp pellets a day. I would cut out...
  • JBun
    JBun replied to the thread disabled bun need some advice.
    I'm so glad you followed your instinct and got a second opinion. Bladder rupture would be extremely rare, whereas bloat is one of the...
  • JBun
    JBun replied to the thread My rabbits are a state.
    Even when rabbits are overweight, that doesn't necessarily affect poop sticking to their bum, as you can see with your other rabbit not...
  • JBun
    JBun reacted to Preitler's post in the thread Big round belly for baby bunnies with Like Like.
    No problem. Save the clean fur, and replace all the hay. form a depression in the middle as new nest, put the fur around it. Maybe put...
  • JBun
    JBun replied to the thread Big round belly for baby bunnies.
    You can try seeing if it needs to be stimulated to pee. Is it having any runny or yellowish poop? Has it eaten any food, other than...