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  1. healersheart

    Need Help Bonding

    This is exactly what we did with our two boys. 👌🏼
  2. healersheart

    Peppermint oil..

    I would think they would be just fine. I use a combination of vinegar, water, and peppermint essential oil in a spray bottle to clean my bunnies' room and any carpet or upholstery stains around my house. They have never had any reaction to this.
  3. healersheart

    Getting a dog with free roam rabbits

    I have a 12-year-old miniature poodle that also takes it upon himself to protect our bunnies when we’re all outside. He and one of the bunnies even share a bowl sometimes (our dog loves veggies); it’s adorable to watch.
  4. healersheart

    Alternative ways to get a bunny to take critical care

    That’s what I’ve always done with our bunnies, too.
  5. healersheart

    New Here/Getting Rid of a Rabbit

    It took about three months for my bunny to stop such behavior after being neutered. I know it gets so intense sometimes that you feel you made a mistake (my bunny sprayed me in the mouth once when I was talking and my mouth was open), but it really does get better. Please reconsider, and if...
  6. healersheart

    Handheld Vacuum Recommendations

    We have an older Dyson handheld that works like a charm for quick cleanups or small areas, but for my major cleaning of the bunny room, I use a ShopVac because it is the only thing that can handle that amount of hay and hair without constantly getting clogged.
  7. healersheart

    The Girls have a new outside playhouse! 💕

    Oh my gosh, adorable! I guess I know what my next project will be…
  8. healersheart

    Free range in bedroom

    My bun is the same—fully potty trained but still likes marking territory on our bed and couch where I sit/lay down. I have been using this waterproof blanket on our bed and have washed it many times, and it’s never failed us yet. It works much better than a plastic sheet would (since it...
  9. healersheart

    Peeing outside litter box, but only at night?

    My boy (neutered) does the same thing…only at night. It’s not like he misses; it’s intentional marking in certain places. Cleaning the spots and then spraying “Angry Orange” helps to prevent him from re-marking for a little while. I‘ve just given up trying to stop him from doing it.
  10. healersheart

    Please Help (rabbit traumatized by cat, will he be ok?)

    I’m so sorry that happened. It sounds like you are a great bunny mom; accidents happen sometimes. Have you tried introducing the cat and dog to your new bun? I would think the cat’s reaction was maybe a little more about something new and unfamiliar being in the house; maybe if he was...
  11. healersheart

    PLEASE HELP!!! GI stasis (RIP)

    I’m so incredibly sorry that you lost your baby. 💔 You tried your very best to help him, and I know he felt your love right up to the end.
  12. healersheart

    Rabbit help- Febreeze

    I have heard in the past not to spray Febreeze around rabbits, but I would imagine one spraying instance isn’t going to be much of an issue. I think it’s because they have such sensitive respiratory systems and the ingredients are pretty iffy, even for humans.
  13. healersheart

    2022 Indoor Cages...add your photo!

    This is Benji’s private abode. He’s out and about all day except for napping here when he wishes, but at night he stays here with the gate closed. He seems to treat poop like confetti at night, thus he can’t stay out while we’re sleeping. 😆
  14. healersheart

    thoughts on lennon the bunny

    Yes, I think 101rabbits is great. Her videos are long and detailed, and feel less commercial or popularity motivated.
  15. healersheart

    Death from old age at 11.5?

    You are an excellent bunny mom, and it sounds to me like you did everything you could to make her last days peaceful and loving. You didn’t do anything wrong.