Recent content by Haru the Lionhead

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  1. Haru the Lionhead

    Can geckos harm rabbits?

    I don’t think she would, she’s only interested in slippers
  2. Haru the Lionhead

    Can geckos harm rabbits?

    I’m suspecting that we have a gecko in the house but I couldn’t find it anywhere. Can it harm bunnies? Like bite them or something? Or if my bun bit the gecko is that okay or could it be toxic?
  3. Haru the Lionhead

    Weepy eyes

    If the amount of discharge in the first time was a 10, the second time was a 4. So i think that it’s getting better by itself. But i did flush her eye anyway. I don’t have saline at home so i made it with normal kitchen salt is that okay? And i checked her eye, I didn’t see anything, and there...
  4. Haru the Lionhead

    Weepy eyes

    Hello, I haven’t posted here in a while. Yesterday i was petting haru, and the fur around her left eye was STIFF i thought it was hay! I cleaned it with a damp cotton pad. Now 10 hours later, it’s starting to get stiff again. I think it’s clear discharge, I don’t see any color. It’s only in one...
  5. Haru the Lionhead

    Female humping and biting

    I was told that a change in behavior is usually bad news for rabbits, which is why I’m worried. Other than the humping, licking and biting. Ever since i got her she always circles me while honking and gently biting. What’s new is that after almost four years, she tried to hump my knee!!! She’s...
  6. Haru the Lionhead

    Female humping and biting

    If she releases pheromones, could it still be a dominance thing or only sexual?
  7. Haru the Lionhead

    Female humping and biting

    well.. she has never met another pet before. She was never humped. Couldn’t that be why she’s never experienced false pregnancy? Also, now when I take away the mat that she’s humping she gets mad! she chases it and sometimes grunts.. I’m worried because in three years, she has never done...
  8. Haru the Lionhead

    Female humping and biting

    Well.. When she was 7 months old I wanted to spay her, and the vet called me mid surgery telling me he can’t find the uterus. A few months later I took her to another vet and he said that the scar tissue was so bad, he couldn’t see the uterus on ultrasound. But every time I take her to a...
  9. Haru the Lionhead

    Female humping and biting

    Haru is a 4 year old female, she’s not spayed and it is not an option. She has this rabbit mat, I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s the one that is flat in the middle and stuffed on both sides. She thinks it’s a rabbit, and every time she sleeps in it she licks it. Just now i saw her...
  10. Haru the Lionhead

    Sore hocks

    She’s been in a super padded pen for ten days now. I feel so bad for not letting her roam around the house. Her hock doesn’t look inflamed or wounded, but it’s still not 100% okay. If I apply medication now, I’m worried that the dry skin will become soft and peel, then it will get worse just...
  11. Haru the Lionhead

    Sore hocks

    It looks like it’s getting worse everyday! I don’t have a cage so i just placed stuff around her area so she would only step on her matt and blankets. Yesterday i saw her doing zoomies so I don’t think she’s in much pain. I found a small spot on her other foot but it wasn’t red or anything...
  12. Haru the Lionhead

    Sore hocks

    It’s red so i think it’s inflamed. And I’m not sure but it looks like a small bump? There was a small cut yesterday and i put MEBO on it and today it was gone with the yellow scab in the picture. i cant see the cut anywhere but I’m not sure if it got better or worse. She kept whining when I...
  13. Haru the Lionhead

    String (Suture?) in Rabbit’s Spay Incision

    I’m not sure but it looks like it’s open.. Can you contact your vet? If not, then it’s better to visit before her appointment. Haru had something similar and the vet resutured her
  14. Haru the Lionhead

    Sore hocks

    Hello I took haru to the groomer today and he showed me her feet I can’t look at them at home. It looks like sore hocks. What can i do about it, and is it serious? It’s only in one foot and she free roams I’m not sure how she got it
  15. Haru the Lionhead

    Fungi? Mites? Help😩

    I used revolution but it didn’t work