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  1. elentari

    Help me with my Bunny Quiz for my College project

    took the survey, hope i provided helpful info.
  2. elentari

    Goodbye my Giant Girl

    i am so sorry for your loss she was so beautiful, i hope you are doing ok while grieving
  3. elentari

    Happy to be here!

  4. elentari

    bun scratches at me

    yeah she also settles down when she starts to eat. funnily enough she doesn't get feisty about her greens or treats. just the hay so i wonder if she didn't have access to as much hay as she needed when she was in the shelters and has a mentality towards it... same here, she has no problems if i...
  5. elentari

    bun scratches at me

    hello all. i've had my rabbit Nimue for about a year and a half and we are still learning about each other. (she was in multiple (3 or 4) places before she was 1, so i think she is still getting over that/having her own space. we have great days, good days, and grumpy days) in the past few...
  6. elentari

    Weird poop stains?

    That happened a bit with my rabbit. I had to giver her pellets daily to gain 1.5 lbs but it was too much and it was upsetting her stomach. I haven't given her any in awhile and I haven't seen any smudges in over two weeks. I would call a vet to be safe though in case it is something different...
  7. elentari

    9 month update

    She's adorable! I love how her arms are tucked!
  8. elentari

    9 month update

    It's been nine months since I adopted Nimue, we've made good progress, she turned 2 this month, and yesterday she circled my feet and oinked at me! Sometimes she would circle my feet if I had a treat for her, but this was the first time she did it unprompted. It's really nice and affirming for...
  9. elentari

    Random brownish pee puddles

    Omg yeah in the moment I was so paranoid since my late rabbit frequently had issues. But I'm glad it got figured out and at least with this post now there's a record of it so incase someone else has the same issue they can see if dehydration is the problem too. I know right?
  10. elentari

    Post pictures of your rabbits flop!

    This is two weeks after I adopted her. Sent this to her foster family and in the 6 months she was there they said they never saw her flop. Glad she got comfortable with me and her new environment so quickly
  11. elentari

    Random brownish pee puddles

    oh we figured this out from a vet, its dehydration. sometimes she'll drink out of one bowl, then ignore it and drink out of the other one. so i have a few more extra bowls around. didn't know a rabbit could just get bored of drinking out of a certain bowl, even with fresh water.
  12. elentari

    Random brownish pee puddles

    Hi. I feel like everytime I post on here it's because of an issue. anyway, has anyone's rabbit ever left orangey brown pee stains outside of their litter box? The first month I had Nimue she didn't do this and then a little over three weeks ago she started leaving spots like this out of her...
  13. elentari

    X pen

    I haven't had any issues yet.
  14. elentari

    Meet Nimue

    Thank you, it feels like it did.
  15. elentari

    Meet Nimue

    I'm sorry for your loss of Cosmo, but congrats on your two new buns.