Recent content by Donna Standar

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  1. Donna Standar

    2023/2024 Indoor Cages/Spaces... add your photo!

    My bunny condo Millie is up top, buddy on the bottom.
  2. Donna Standar

    Outdoor Cages... post your photo

    Mom and son. Millie and buddy. Millie is the smaller one
  3. Donna Standar

    Bonding - small wounds

    They are so cute!!!
  4. Donna Standar

    Bonding - small wounds

    Oops. I meant, it’s not just a doe thing
  5. Donna Standar

    Bonding - small wounds

    both will hump, just just a doe thing. Mine did
  6. Donna Standar

    Bonding - small wounds

    That’s too bad. Sorry to hear that. Hope all goes well
  7. Donna Standar

    Fresh greens

    I have two buns, they get unlimited hay, greens morning and evening. Fruit twice a week as a treat. They are very schedule based. Always looking and waiting for it. So cute how they know. They get so excited
  8. Donna Standar

    Bonding - small wounds

    Sadly that’s not going to stop because of his hormones. Has he been under anesthesia before?? And it didn’t go well?
  9. Donna Standar


    So cute!
  10. Donna Standar

    Constant Molting or Shedding?

    I give my two a quarter cup morning and night. Too much can also create runny poos. My buns shed every 4 months. It’s everywhere. I vacuume almost daily when they do
  11. Donna Standar

    Female still marking…

    My female pees everywhere but the litter box and has since I had her spayed. She never did before. My male is with her and he’s the only one who uses the litter boxes now. They have a much bigger space than that. Looks kinda small for a bunny. No room to run. Maybe she’s upset she’s not with...
  12. Donna Standar

    Bunny Proofing

    I have my two buns in a room all to themselves but with x pens bordering the outside so they don’t chew mine. They have a two level hutch and hideaway house/ tunnels made of wood they can chew on. Plastic boats ( baby tub toys) seem very content.
  13. Donna Standar

    17 day old kit dragging back legs

    Looks like he is trying to move that leg as well. It’s not totally limp. I hope he gets stronger. Such a cutie.
  14. Donna Standar

    Big step in bunny bonding

    Awwww. So sweet
  15. Donna Standar

    He is having very wierd poos but he's acting sort of normal! Not the first time!

    That's great to hear. Be careful with broccoli, it can be gassy and I read they can only have the stalk part, and leaves..No tops. Take care!