I have two buns, they get unlimited hay, greens morning and evening. Fruit twice a week as a treat. They are very schedule based. Always looking and waiting for it. So cute how they know. They get so excited
I give my two a quarter cup morning and night. Too much can also create runny poos. My buns shed every 4 months. It’s everywhere. I vacuume almost daily when they do
My female pees everywhere but the litter box and has since I had her spayed. She never did before. My male is with her and he’s the only one who uses the litter boxes now. They have a much bigger space than that. Looks kinda small for a bunny. No room to run. Maybe she’s upset she’s not with...
I have my two buns in a room all to themselves but with x pens bordering the outside so they don’t chew mine. They have a two level hutch and hideaway house/ tunnels made of wood they can chew on. Plastic boats ( baby tub toys) seem very content.