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  1. D

    Holland lops

    Thanks. She is around 2. History is unknown as is from the SPCA. Hasn't been looked at by a vet yet, as was there with my other bunny so was only at the vet to keep him company
  2. D

    Holland lops

    Hi, I'm currently fostering a Holland lop with the intention of adopting if she bonds with my rabbit. I have recently been made aware( by a vet) of the health problems these rabbits are prone to( was not told this when I took the rabbit to foster). Experiences please with these types of...
  3. D


    My 5 year old bunny has arthritis. Is given medication twice a day, but I'm not sure if this is effective. Seems to be moving more slowly. I have heard there is an option for an injection. Any experience with this please?
  4. D

    Advice regarding hutch dampness

    I have two bunnies housed outside. The enclosure is fairly big, and is covered with two tarpaulins for protection from the weather. It has no bottom so is placed directly on the ground( is an Omlet hutch). It is constantly damp. I have just placed barley hay on the front part, but am concerned...