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  1. bunbunadri

    Help! Bloated rabbit?

    My rabbit has been passing soft + smaller feces than normal, and I’ve heard gurgling sounds from his tummy. I suspected gas, so I cut down his diet to just hay and water now. His tummy feels a little bloated. However he’s always been eating like normal and pooping, just smaller poops and...
  2. bunbunadri

    Getting nails done as a rabbit owner

    Hi everybody! I’m thinking of getting nail extensions this summer, but i’m not sure if it’ll be toxic to my rabbit or anything of that sort. Any rabbit owner here with nail extensions/ have their nails done? Thanks <3
  3. bunbunadri

    Weird poop stains?

    Hi all, My bunny is 8, and around a month ago I’ve seen these poop stains daily. He is eating and drinking normal but I’m trying to figure out what these are. I see these right after he eats his cecotropes/ tries to eat his round poops. It isn’t diarrhoea but there are some little poop stains...
  4. bunbunadri

    Weird bunny poops

    I saw this on the rug my rabbit laid on. I do see some smushed poops/ cecotropes there. Is this ok?
  5. bunbunadri

    Hot ears?

    He's indoors. I read the article and he did have some small poops yesterday. I already turned on the AC + did what needs to be done and his ears are no longer hot. I'll keep checking on him. Thank u :)
  6. bunbunadri

    Hot ears?

    Hi, my rabbit has hot ears but it’s winter. I live in Hong Kong so it’s not that cold. Is it normal?
  7. bunbunadri

    Rabbit poops

    I've seen him eat his ceoctropes from his private so maybe that's not it. Thank I’ve seen him eat his cecotropes from his private! Thank you tho :) Will monitor him!
  8. bunbunadri

    Rabbit poops

    Hi, I've been seeing these stains on my bunny's carpet. I know it's probably some poop/ urine or others and I'm worried. His poop is normal and he has a good appetite and drinks enough water! He's an elderly bun so maybe that's why? Should this be a concern? He's been hunching a little but other...
  9. bunbunadri

    Weird thing in bunny’s pen?

    It’s hard and small. The size is like a rabbit pellet.
  10. bunbunadri

    Weird thing in bunny’s pen?

    I just found this little thing in my bunny’s pen. I just cleaned it and i noticed it a while after I cleaned the pen. He was cleaning himself when I found it. I’ve attached a photo. I’ve seen it in the past but I have no idea what it is. Does anyone know what it is?
  11. bunbunadri

    Bunny doing weird things to his private

    Not really sure but unlikely
  12. bunbunadri

    Bunny doing weird things to his private

    Hi all, my male rabbit has been licking his private and then yawning? I do see his private part going up when he yawns? He isn’t neutered since he’s not suitable to be neutered (asked a vet) but is this normal? He’s been doing this for a super long time. He’s fine and everything
  13. bunbunadri

    Is eye discharge an urgent visit to the vet?

    My rabbit has discharge coming out from his eye for around 4 days now. The usual vet is very full and will only be able to see us this week. He’s been fine and everything. Is this super urgent? I know its already been 4 days but can it wait longer? Or does it require an urgent visit to another vet.
  14. bunbunadri

    Do I give my bunny treats? Recovering from GI stasis

    My bunny is recovering from GI and is doing great except his tummy is still a bit bloated. He still poops and eats like a charm! I have slowly introduced pellets but not treats. He's on his second last day of medicine. Do I start introducing treats slowly? He's still on critical care once a day