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  • Blue eyes
    Blue eyes reacted to samoth's post in the thread Hay feeder with Like Like.
    I put lot of hay in litter boxes -- somehow my two house rabbits ended up with six litter boxes throughout the house -- and use smaller...
  • Blue eyes
    Blue eyes reacted to samoth's post in the thread naturalistic rabbit set up? with Love Love.
    Ah, okay. I see what you're saying. I plant grass & let it grow to 1-2" before bringing it in, then rotate after the rabbits mow it...
  • Blue eyes
    Blue eyes reacted to Nancy McClelland's post in the thread New member with Like Like.
    If it was with an intact male, it is only a matter of seconds and the outcome is almost always a pregnancy. Vet check would clear any...
  • Blue eyes
    Blue eyes reacted to Nancy McClelland's post in the thread Nails with Like Like.
    Not really much you can do to emulate the wear they would get in nature--maybe show the owner how to cut them and remind them that is...
  • Blue eyes
    Blue eyes reacted to JBun's post in the thread Nails with Like Like.
    Maybe a stone tile. Though it's not likely to make much difference since it's just a small space. Having the whole flooring like this...
  • Blue eyes
    Blue eyes replied to the thread naturalistic rabbit set up?.
    I guess if your pot is well established, then there isn't a need for the mesh. :) The mesh might be needed for newly growing plants that...
  • Blue eyes
    Blue eyes reacted to samoth's post in the thread naturalistic rabbit set up? with Love Love.
    What's the point of the mesh -- for potential digging? I have two long planters I rotate in & out from the deck. There's just grass in...
  • Blue eyes
    Blue eyes reacted to Nancy McClelland's post in the thread naturalistic rabbit set up? with Like Like.
    Wheat grass is a favorite with our group. The mesh works great, but, you have to make sure the grow pot is too big to be tipped or...