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  1. BlackRabbits


    It's normal for rabbits to "blow their coat" or shed all of their old coat several times during the year. A lot of rabbits don't like slicker brushes with wire teeth, they can scratch the skin and tug their fur. You can try using a steel comb or a steel comb with rotating bristles. You could try...
  2. BlackRabbits

    Bunny grooming

    Here you go! I bought them on (Canada) but they should be available on Slicker brush Paddle brush Rotating tooth comb Standard steel comb with scissors kit (you can get the comb separately)
  3. BlackRabbits

    Bunny grooming

    I have an Angora rabbit. I also have a shorter haired part lionhead bunny who sheds. I have found the following brushes/combs work well for short-medium haired rabbits: - Slicker brush with bristles which have balls on the tips (not sharp like the wire slickers) - Paddle brush with balls on the...
  4. BlackRabbits

    Baby floofie

    Lots of great suggestions! I think she's trying to name herself. She has a very feisty personality. Today I noticed my cats were very interested in something. I went to check and found Little Miss Floofy wandering around the apartment. The cats have lived with rabbits in open pens for about 10...
  5. BlackRabbits

    Baby floofie

    I haven't thought of a name for her yet. She's 14 weeks old. The breeder named her "Yorkie" but I'm not fond of that name. Suggestions are welcome! She's a feisty little girl. When I groom her, she yanks the comb away with her teeth and tosses it. She loves to play with paper towel rolls and...
  6. BlackRabbits


    She's lovely! I adopted my black Zelda from a shelter too. It's sad that so many end up in shelters.
  7. BlackRabbits

    What is happening? (matted fur?)

    Rabbits can be pretty hard to handle when you try to do something they don't like. A lot of people make a "bunny burrito" which means wrapping the rabbit in a towel so they can't struggle. That mat needs to be removed, as it's dirty and will only get bigger. Then it could catch on something...
  8. BlackRabbits

    Baby Rabbit Health Care

    So far, everything is A-OK in the poop department. The little scamp alternates between eating, sleeping and binkying. Of course he stops the binkying as soon as he sees me holding up my phone, so we'll just have to settle for these pics from today:
  9. BlackRabbits

    Baby Rabbit Health Care

    The good news is that I'm in Canada where rabbit vaccinations aren't required. Also, I went to his rabbitry when I picked him up, it's indoors and there are no horses or similar animals around. I will have his blood work done when he's neutered. Vets charge insane prices for "exotics" here...
  10. BlackRabbits

    Most popular rabbit breed for pet

    I understand what you're saying. I know that shelters have to find homes for these rabbits, and that often the breed is misidentified, but not deliberately. But deliberately misrepresenting the breed or characteristics of a pet up for adoption is just plain wrong. It's a recipe for a bounce...
  11. BlackRabbits

    Baby Rabbit Health Care

    I've always adopted adult or young adult rabbits, but now I have a 6 week old Flemish baby. I want to make sure he gets a good start in life. First of all, do baby rabbits require any vaccinations? If so, which ones and at what age(s)? Secondly, do they need to be wormed? If yes, is a...
  12. BlackRabbits

    Most popular rabbit breed for pet

    When I look over the local rabbit for sale ads, I see a lot of misidentified breeds and crosses advertised as purebreds. Shelters are the worst offenders. The biggest shelter for rabbits in my area advertises ALL shorthaired, medium sized, erect eared rabbits as "Americans". Americans are a rare...
  13. BlackRabbits

    Pellets over Hay

    Ok, limited pellets for adults, more for the babies less than 6 months. Good advice! I found this summary on the house rabbits site: What are the basics of a good house rabbit diet? A rabbit’s diet should be made up of good quality pellets, fresh hay (timothy...
  14. BlackRabbits

    Pellets over Hay

    OK... I didn't realize that was too much. They usually don't eat the whole bowl in one day anyway, it's more like every second day. But I'll measure it out instead of guessing in the future. They do eat hay as well. I'm not sure how much Saoirse weighs, but she's still not fully grown...